If you don't know me I'll give you the heads up and say that I am a truthful and understanding person?
You full of yourself like wtf. ?
What do you think of Ebony #ifckingwanttokillher Elindrea2
Ohhhhhh I know it is you ebony and I absolutely love you to bits
What kid at ur school do u hate the most
Who asked me this?
The secret to a good friendship is... ?
You care about each other and you get one another
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?
How tall they are!!!!!!!!!! And if you know me you will understand?
Your a mouthy btch.
You full of yourself like wtf. ?
Who is this??? IDC anyway you are probably a B*tch
What is your greatest regret ?
I dont actually have one
A musician you hate ?
Harry Styles
What was your first cellphone ?
I don't have one?But I get one for Christmas this year