Behind you. Watching. Observing. Giving my location away thanks to my audible hunger. *gurgles aggressively*
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my on/off switch
i don't even know anymore
that space you put in between the question mark and the last word like stay away from the english language and from my pants k
smith st.; footscray; highpoint or melbourne central if i just totally ceebs
people with a sense of what is 'normal'
I really don't know... I feel like it might have something to do with the fact that I have to think about what I'm saying, and being on the internet gives me that time I need to come up with topics and be interesting, ya know?
lololol funny -.- but seriously, no-one really gives a crap
i've told some people, but if anyone does ask, i'll tell them
i'd be lying if i said i didn't but it's something i think should be kept to myself. besides, although i shouldn't assume things about anyone, i'm pretty sure they're not into guys (and not guys like me anyways)
if he really is then it's his business entirely. oh, and by the way, you shouldn't be outing people, even if they are your closest friends. they should have the chance to come out when they feel ready. just saying.
you're lying if you say you haven't IMO
Nervous Young Inhumans - Car Seat Headrest, fiftyseven - couples conseling, Persephone - Cocteau Twins, My <3 - Chrome Sparks (the whole album is amazing) and Child's Play - SZA (might have missed a few but then again my music taste changes a lot)
if i wanted trucks i'd learn to drive first
hmmm i know a lot but i'd have to say HI HAYDEN c:
Hands down The Shin and Mariko who represented Georgia :) here's their entry (chances are people didn't see it coz they didn't advance to the finals :/) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9ixkdkbieU
i don't really listen to electronic music much??? but since i do, i'll have to say tristam on this one
hey bb
the fact that i'm very hard to piss off
Did you really have to include the 'secret' aspect? Because that means it'll remain a secret xo
Is there any particular reason why?
'The Master and Margarita' by Mikhail Bulgakov. This book was one I fell in love with, but be warned that it is time consuming, and there is a constant flipping back and forth due to the numerous footnotes. It was worth my time, however, and I'd love to read it again. If I haven't enticed you yet: the devil basically pulls off a whole lot of s**t in soviet-era Moscow.
Because it's cool like that
Nah, the pope is clearly a pastafarian
I don't think asking me that would leave you with an answer
there is a guy i like but nothing's official right now. your best bet would be to talk to me and stuff, jah feel? you could actually be the guy for all i know
I love seconds why not
Yes you can inbox me pizza of course
People who smile at me when they see me at some random as* place. Like, oh my god, thank you for brightening up my day :D
I haven't found any girls attractive for me to be honest, so probably.
awww very much thank you :3
It brings out my eyes :P but srsly i don't?
Ofc Potassium is like my family
Pizza. Pizza is my crush.
I don't know... We seem kind of neutral. We don't really talk to each other at all, but I don't think he hates me either.
Hmmm... It seems like I might fit in well in 10G. There's no-one that's on my bad side (for now). James Zhou and I seem to sit together in class quite a lot, and we talk in class (when acceptable). It's looking like it'll be a great year :)
Well... Let's just say I have my good days, my bad days, and I sometimes have those days where I just want to stay in bed the whole day.
omfg what those are actually my actual eyelashes
Ummmm... like, every song ever?
As long as they can wear it well, I'm not exactly going to complain :3
Only if I'm chained to the wall of a dark room while being yelled at by people in dark scaled uniforms.
Without a doubt, Uxie
ummm... Four?
A piece of string is 2 halves long and a knot is 4 quarters long ;)
Last time I recall, it cost 10 potato. Not sure about JFK.
I'm not really into Star Wars, but I guess you don't have to be into Star Wars to have an opinion in prequels. Most prequels in general ruin the thoughts of how the fanbase imagined the origins of certain characters, and in my opinion, fan-made origins are usually better.
Hell yeah!
Pretty good actually. OMG I miss everyone at Braybrook so much :( I don't exactly know, but it doesn't exactly bother me that much.
I guess I'm a bit of a lone wolf then :P
Thanks for having my back :) I'm not 'popular' popular, but that's okay, because I've found friends I can feel myself around.
I don't exactly know about that. There's always going to be that one person.
The last book I read was 'It' by Stephen King. 'It' is... intriguing, and I found it quite enjoyable.
From my last FB ask for questions: 'Ask some questions. And remember, piercing, deep questions will get witty responses 75% guaranteed.' That mixed with the question about the piercing a few questions back made it quite funny.
Right here hon ;)
Damn I'm meant to be coming up with the witty stuff. Well done. No, by the way.
I am in favour of gay rights.
It's been pretty good, but it's hardly new... I've already completed a whole year there. Yeah, I've managed to make quite a few friends.
Tame Impala Blue. I look really good in blue. I don't really have a fave youtuber
as in qualities? if you mean a particular person no-one atm
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/360/5/f/my_neighbor_totoro_by_cmvm-d5or6e3.png + http://answersafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/dinosaurs.jpg = A totorosaur
Anything really. I'm pretty open. If there is a question I don't want to answer though, i won't reply/