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Raychel Mae


ask my anything, ANYTHING

22 Replies

This is the best I could come up with you festering pool of shi* and an** juice.

you would know all about that now wouldn't you??

raychie_raww replied 4565 days ago

MY b*m MY b*m MY b*m MY b*m

you're a f***ing retard
is that the best you could come up with???

raychie_raww replied 4565 days ago

BRAH, you found out who I was today baka head!

You shouldn't be soo eaaaaaaaaaasy to piss off! ;P

babe, you\'re a retard!!
ni looooove you with all my p**** <3

raychie_raww replied 4571 days ago

No, I is having a seizure frm all my se*y. U jelly brah?

U r so nyce up frnt, tis a shame u act lyk this online.

Act like what??
Who is this, if I knew who you were I could comment on your se*iness

raychie_raww replied 4572 days ago

U mad Raych, tht I dun need a lyf nd tht I speeelll eeeeverytthing wrung? ;3

you ok there mate? there is something called a dictionary, you should use it!

raychie_raww replied 4572 days ago

What is the smelliest thing you have ever encountered? Besides Rourk's fart of course.

ummmm, the stench of maggots feasting on my grandfathers blood on the side of a highway in adelade

raychie_raww replied 4573 days ago

How long is a piece of string ?

well, you can buy them from 5 meters to about 10 but i'm sure thats not what you're talking about...

raychie_raww replied 4573 days ago

Doesn't expecting the unexpected make
the unexpected expected?

you pose a good question, but if you don't expect the expected does that make the expected unexpected and that just makes you look like an idiot when every body else expects it?

raychie_raww replied 4573 days ago

If your vacuum cleaner really s*cks, is it a
bad thing?

if your vacuum cleaner s*ck that a good thing that means it can clean up all the shi* you talk

raychie_raww replied 4573 days ago

What happens when you get scared
half-to-death twice?

you die, simple

raychie_raww replied 4573 days ago



raychie_raww replied 4573 days ago

But, annoying you is so fun, why would I need a life?

f*** on mate

raychie_raww replied 4573 days ago

But i really want to know :'(

Sorry mate you'll have to get it "in" to find out and frankly That's never going to happen!!

raychie_raww replied 4574 days ago

hey beautiful :) Beckiex

Heyy se*y, I know you love me!!
I asked you a questions about 3 min's ago :D

raychie_raww replied 4574 days ago 1

do you actually have ranga pubes?

I have reason to believe that is none of your business and if I wanted you to know you would know by now... goodbye

raychie_raww replied 4574 days ago