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Dating my last ex so people could hear the bullsht she said and all dumb sht she did/
I am not perfect but thanks.??
Thank you for pointing out for what I already know.I could change my weight by exercising.I could become cute by wearing make-up but can you change that ugly A$$ personality of yours.You waited until I got a qooh when could have @ me in a ra or pm me.
thanks and not good.
footlong spicy Italian on garlic,herb,and cheese bread,,2 chocolate chip cookies,and a large sprite.
thank you but I think you are talking about yourself.
I want my sister back more than anything else in world.
I haven't kissed anyone.
My first crush was a girl named myah.
A musician I hate would have to be iggy azalea.
The best thing that happened to me today was getting subway.