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renee callander


ask anythinggggg.

1.1k Replies

Like who was you status about the other day? Like give me a clue pls

they're in year 11 :))

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago

Do your parents approve of you drinking at parties or do you just do it

yeah they let me

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago

Who had *ex at school? Was it Richard?

nah Richard has a bit of class

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago

honestly dont mean to be rude, but how did you first tell your family that you werent a virgin anymore? im not sure how my parents will react if i tell them that im not one anymore.

well me & my mum have a really good bond like I tell her everything, it's only mum who knows not dad cause idk what he would do probs punch the guy in the head cause his really protective over me & my sisters. but to answer ur question I just said I needed to talk to her and just told her I don't really remember the fine details but yerr

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago

What happened after you punched her or after she punched you? Did you walk out like a boss haha

we'll I swung first then she like grabbed my face idk why then went for my hair then I don't really remember what happened but bronte split it up and it was over even though Monique was still skitzing I was like **** this and left then she ran out and went to start me again on the grass and I was kinda like um the fights over lets get over it and she swung again and I just pushed her away. pretty heckers ayyy ;p

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago 1

How tall are you in centimetres aprox?

I kinda stopped checking last time I checked I was like 6" so like 183 centimeters I think. I am a giant ok

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago

All in all, monique was and is the better person. So f uck up would ya


reneecallander replied 3990 days ago 1

Come on guys leave the whole party fight alone

THANKYOUUUU. it's probs just monique herself ahahahaha

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago 1

You WERE flirting with Jack. That's what you do. How was Ella flirting with other guys?

oh WAS i. cause you were there and all. ahahahahah, soz for having FRIENDS ****head. ps I like someone else sooo...

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago

Oh hey, what ya Mum say about your fight?

she doesn't condone fighting but she knows why I got angry and did do it. she is more angry at the fact Ella's MUM yelled at me because we'll it's a mum who's like 50 or whatever I am a teenager?

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago 1

Ella flirting? You're so ****ing *****y. No wonder everyone hates you

I actually love the hate I get ahahahaha makes mi life fun, so this didn't really work out for ya cya later :ppp

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago

Haha. Calling her a little twig isn't really making things better Renee.

it's done? no point in making things better for myself ahahahah nothing's changed we've always hated each other??

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago

Monique only did what she did because you were flirting with Jack

FLIRTING???? oh please I have my eyes on someone else & Ella was off with other boys flirting all I was doing was talking to jack cause we are good friends and have been for ages so f uck off

reneecallander replied 3990 days ago 1

why can't we all just get along like we did in middle school and bake a cake full of rainbows and smiles and everyone (u and monique) would be ahppy

ew I don't want to get along with her. yuck no thanks

reneecallander replied 3991 days ago

Thoughts on me? johnn.powwell

biggest cutie :))

reneecallander replied 3991 days ago