Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Absolutly adore her! Trust her with anything, couldn't get through Design product without her, nor the Textiles squad! xx
Ruby, Kayla Holt, Kaitlin, Isabel, Rachel, Tegan, Kayla, Renah, Bianca, and there is a few more..
Have to many!
Talked to her a far few girls, very nice :)
Any more like to be sent, the answer is no :')
Oh defs Mitch ;P
Who ever this is! Nay loves you!
Thankyou what kind words :)
Honestly not sure what happened, so you should ask him.
Everything, mostly independence, can talk to whoever I want, go out when I want. :)
You tell me?
I've only hanged with her a few times, but she is such a great girl to be around! She does deserve the best xx
Plugga: Pretty sure I have already said my opinion about somewhere below. :) Tim: He is a great kid, he is easy to get along with, there is never a dull moment when he is around. He is very trustful, if that even is a word :) Jack: He is a good kid, glad he has found someone to make him smile again :)
Kaitlin: She is just plan amazing, I don't even need to say anything to her and she knows exactly whats going on, she is the one best for advice, because she is just straight out honest. She is such a beautiful soul. Kayla: I've known her pretty much my whole life, she is always there for me, never judges. No matter how far apart we are I know, just one simple phone call she makes everything alright. She would drop everything for me and I would do the same. Love her to bits. Sherise: She is such a beautiful girl, always there for me no matter what! x Sarah B: She is defiantly one of my favs, I don't have to talk to her everyday, but I always know she is there for me at the end of the day, I love how she has opened up and became more out there over the years xx Bianca: BB, I can't even describe in one word, she has became so much mature lately and I love how she has everything on track now, she always the one to make you laugh in any situation! So proud of how far she has came over the last year! Sarah D: As much as she can annoy the hell out of me and I do the same to her, she really is a great girl deep down! x
Don't really talk to him. He gets smashed really quickly from what I see him at parties.
sht.. got me.
Just do it haha.
Depends who you are :p
Who knows.
Who knows at the moment :P
Used to be pretty close, drifted away quite abit, he is a good guy, so happy that he found someone and finally happy! :)
Well if it's to weird to ask without being anonymous, guess you will never know haha.
Inbox me if you really want to know haha!
His a good guy.. good to get drunk with, and pretty much have known him for a fair few years.
Free Alcohol
Big enough I guess.