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aww...i'll miss all of u as well
and yes - i'll miss u!!! :/
thanks =D
its k
Yellloooooooooooooooooooo =)
Wish i could say the same....
sorry - wrong number!
guess who knows about the indu thing now =P
Thankyou :) :S
1) I'm bond - look at it that way - everyone likes me ;)
2) again - i'm bond - i work for MI6 - not some Gossip Intelligence Unit
3) ur problem :/
Luck? i guess...
Ask Sumathi mam
Smtymes I wondr if him sittin bhind me 4 di past 2yrs is a sign or smtn -_-
who r u man??? lol =P
My time has come son (coungh - cough)
It's time for the young to take over from the old - It's time for a cool transition =P
not heading forward with sciences...
goin to US - still w8n for responses :)
Ask urself what u want - do u want ur studies - or do u want to learn much more - was i able to balance both initially - NO
But things r better now -MUCH MUCH BETTER - all u have to do i believe in ur abilities!
I might have learnt it the hard way - But not everythign comes easy =)
They are great friends - so yes - i love them VERY MUCH :)
worth it? - more than u can imagine!!!
for that - the answer lies within...if u believe u can - nuthn can break u down
i really h8 qoohme for not loading quickly and goin down all the time :/
Harlem Shake lol - we were actually planning to make a video ourselves ROFL!!! =P
Benglai ppl - who keep asking du/eti on the road...
u crsli need counselling...
mehfil mehfil ae shama....phirti ho kahan?
too bad - u missed it by 11 hours!!!!
Advice taken - I'm very clumsy =P
My name's Bond, James Bond - haven't exactly dated since Casino Royale ;)
Interesting - I also heard that India has an amazing baseball team! -_-
U dont say :-P just a big fan
I'm cold - living in the shadows - something amazing happens and they all say the same thing..."I never knew it was you"
Hahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha who's this? =P
B| Badas* Bond here =P
I take that as a huge huge compliment...
it was supposed to be my stage name for the talents' day compering :)
Dunno man - not that prepared
Im not prepared 4 shi* - u?
Fine saranya - always fine
Only time will tell...
People grow old...
Nevr felt bettr!
Good old rohith would like to spend his last new year in auh with dad and mom...go outside? don't we do that really often....
james bond - has no friends...
but rohith might have a good old family dinner at nice restaurant for a change...
nothing - blow up another building i guess...
what does ur company do?
I wanna move - with yo body...yea =P
Some people say that...yes... you by any chance work for Bundesnachrichtendienst, Militärischer Abschirmdienst, Bundesamt für Verfas*ungsschutz or Landesbehörden für Verfas*ungsschutz?
u don't need to...i don't have a fancy height myself...
i prefer not to disappoint women...
do you really want to hear it from me...?
look in mirror...and ask urself...
there might be a few million out there...but i prefer challenges...
can't find a better word for feisty people like urself...but u got some fight in u - i like that ;)
seen skyfall yet?
all i can hear is silence...
well that means u r weak...
no u didn what?
only if u r berenice marlohe...
well im sorry but u heard that loud and clear...
sum1 bad at english?
u r always welcome!
Done Bit**! -.-
oh well milady whoever u are...i don't think u require much effort...u r a beauty urself... ;)
jk...who the hell r u???
:P i think u took the whole thing a lil bit too seriously...
braces degibeku, salpa height increase madubeku, salpa se*y angi hakubeku... ;)
nandu bong girl aaglike mansu untu?
houdu...nandu hesaru Bond, James Bond...
a big fan - thats all...
cold blooded, heartless, emotionless, womaniser, mysterious, clas*y, british...
what more do you want...
meet me at casino royale...u win, i take ur cash...
or else i might have to kill ur president...
i work for the MI6 - u can approach johnny english if u really want to...
no favourite as such - if u think i like u - its just ur food =P jk...
that just made ur cheeks more chubbier eeeee....
Could u enlighten me with ur name?
u look like my Quartermaster to be frank...
My Name's Bond, James Bond - and i can help end ur world today itself - so i suggest you to keep ur mouth to urself...
being reinstated into MI6 =P
none as such - getting a seizure i guess =P the one point in life where i had no idea what happened...
if i told u that then i'm afraid i'd have to kill you...
1 thing is way too less...
since u asked i'll improve a few things in india...rather than whine about everyday problems...
my brother...better than any famous personality...
I understand ur concern...but im fine! I was always fine...
I wanna desper8ly xplore the world and do what I really wanna do - somethin I missed 4 2yrs...
a hot mas*euse is all the medical help i need...
1) u just wasted a few seconds of ur life - 'good for nothing piece of shi*'
2) how r u planning on stopping all the above mentioned problems?
3) I'm James Bond for crying out loud! - What I'm doing right now might be saving your as* somehow or the other =P
your not the only one :/
shaken my love - always shaken =)
I have no best friends - I'm James Bond for God's Sake!!!
are u aware of the fact that my walther ppk is just a few kms within reach of your head?
No, I'll never figure out myself - I've realized there is no point in doing so...
The whole fun is when you discover new things about urself unfolding before your eyes everyday. Ultimately you will realize how amazing you truly are =)
living life on the edge - as usual...
tell me something i don't know ;)
and thanks...
its a lifestyle mate - a clas*...
end of jan - if all goes well
i thought bribery involved money...
thanks ;)
care to pour me a dry martini?
im sorry but i will have to take you down...unless u do it urself...
what if i said - not really :P
why are u so inquisitive? o.O
the obsession is not Bond - the obsession is clas*...
wish i could say the same...