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rhian polderman



1.6k Replies

you looked sad today :(

I might have been

rhian.p replied 3191 days ago

did u get fried at school?

What no hahahahahahahh wtf

rhian.p replied 3245 days ago

I think you are the worst girlfriend, I don't know how dos sticks around

I know I have no idea :/

rhian.p replied 3289 days ago

i asked like 2 questions after that gath why havnt you answered?

Because hahaha you know why

rhian.p replied 3294 days ago

Who's Haydn?

Dossssahhhh chix mate chixx

rhian.p replied 3303 days ago

Some people are so rude. Rhian, you're lovely x

Aw your sweet

rhian.p replied 3303 days ago

Are you 12 who has qoohme haha


rhian.p replied 3303 days ago

seems like you love the attention ha


rhian.p replied 3320 days ago

even how you joke flirt with all these blokes on Facebook is wrong haha do you actually care about your bf

It's to take the piss calm down it's a joke WE have okay like it doesn't include you so why should it matter to you?

rhian.p replied 3321 days ago

still wrong hah

Mind your own business like **** off hahahahha

rhian.p replied 3329 days ago

The private joke letting another guy feel your as* while you have a boyfriend? Doesn't seem very funny

He wasn't feeling my as*, it was a misunderstanding of me thinking he was coming to and touching my b*m where he was actually getting a hair off my top and then it turned into a joke like if you weren't there you will not understand

rhian.p replied 3330 days ago

HAHAH Ben Racz photo on your wall, while you were dating Haydn hahahahaha, knew it

Hahahahahahahahaha it was a private joke!! Like dw

rhian.p replied 3330 days ago

I know the history and the background and you have been

Okay then, inbox me and we can talk about it if you think that you know everything :) pretty sure that it's between grace and I and her and I are the ones that know the story best

rhian.p replied 3331 days ago



rhian.p replied 3331 days ago 1

why are you being a b.itch to grace?

If you ask this question you would think you would know the background, I haven't been a ***** thank you

rhian.p replied 3331 days ago