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Just do it

106 Replies

Older guys or younger

Um, well I would prefer the same age, but older I guess. Like this means by a year or two. Hahaha

rhiannonjanee replied 3566 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Um... nothing that I can think of tbh.

rhiannonjanee replied 3566 days ago

Hello :)

Hey :)

rhiannonjanee replied 3566 days ago


Not really anyone's business but yes.

rhiannonjanee replied 3566 days ago

R u preg

Lol, no

rhiannonjanee replied 3566 days ago

Thoughts on rachelle

Omg, I love being in English class with you! You're actually really good to talk to and we have some funny as moments in class xx

rhiannonjanee replied 3566 days ago

Thoughts on Vanteeee?

Your like my little sister, as soon as I met you we get on so well! You're always so supportive for me, and very good to talk to when I need it! You inbox me a lot, and sometimes I honestly can't be bothered replying, sorry haha but still, I love you heaps and I have so much respect for you and the things you have done for me! Thanks sissy <3

rhiannonjanee replied 3902 days ago

Thoughts on zac cox xx

Oh Zachary... Well you are honestly like my brother, that's what I consider you. We are really close, and we've become closer in the past year or two. Tbh you can annoy the hell out of me sometimes -.- Especially when you say rude or stupid things that are unnecessary, but at the end of the day I still love you heaps! You're always there for me regardless of what happens, and you know how to put a smile on my face when I'm down :-) xx love ya cuzzy

rhiannonjanee replied 3902 days ago

Friend you cannot live without?

I honestly can't name just one! I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for so many of my friends that I can't live without!

rhiannonjanee replied 3902 days ago

favorite song of all time?

Favourite song of all time... Hmm, can't choose one, but one of them would be I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz

rhiannonjanee replied 3907 days ago

The most boring person you know?

um, my old library teacher haha

rhiannonjanee replied 3993 days ago

So you want to have *ex with Maynard?
He probably doesn't feel the same way.

I didnt say I wanted to have *ex with Maynard haha. I'm only 15, calm yourself...

rhiannonjanee replied 3996 days ago

Answer my previous question.


rhiannonjanee replied 4000 days ago

how did you lose weight so fast?

I went to the gym everyday, and I ate extremely healthy. I was really motivated and committed :-)

rhiannonjanee replied 4002 days ago

Thoughts on Vante? Xx

To be honest! She is one of my closest friends. I haven't known her for long, but ever since I met her, she has been nothing but kind to me. She's always there for me, she listens to me, and ask me whats wrong when she knows somethings up. I'm so glad to have met her, she is like my little sister. I would do anything for her, and I love her heaps!

rhiannonjanee replied 4007 days ago