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Ask me anything you like anonymously

49 Replies

What would you like to ask God?

Nothing,,I'd like to know what he would ask me.

rhuan replied 4055 days ago

A person you never want to talk to again?

Myself haha

rhuan replied 4064 days ago

A song that you've over played?

Drake_hold on we're going home

rhuan replied 4065 days ago

Who your favorite

O-O-O-O Oros! What's your favorite school??

rhuan replied 4068 days ago

What do you do after a bad day?


rhuan replied 4068 days ago

Hey y0u with that face,I kinda sorta miss yew!!:)

Might be missing you a bit t00 bro!! :)...

rhuan replied 4070 days ago

Which product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced?

Womens hair products,,it's dahm crazy!

rhuan replied 4071 days ago

What was your last date like?


rhuan replied 4077 days ago

Muslims aRe the **** they religious an smartest matriculate was a Muslim westville boys an they chop off thieves hands an stoned rapists I wanna be muslim

I'm not saying they are bad people,,or that they aren't smart....they are stingy people and try to change the world to fit their religion regardless of other you can see everywhere everything is halaal...they marry inside their family so that their money stays theirs* I just don't like how they live and think of others...its just an opinion..I'm guessing your Christian, why become a muslim when christianity is such a beautiful religion??

rhuan replied 4082 days ago

Do you find it hard to trust people?

Well everyone knows that trust is earned....but no,,I think I trust people t0o easily! :)

rhuan replied 4082 days ago

Which Foreign country do you dislike the most and why?

Anywhere with muslims.... Don't agree to their way of living and so called “laws”!

rhuan replied 4082 days ago

No chips no popcorn just meat neh

Haha yes I had a big mac and some nuggets! Time too sleep bro! Your bored haha

rhuan replied 4099 days ago

So in the movie that you watched tonight did your date share there popcorn

Who's this?? No popcorn was involved,my timing was out so was late for the movie...I don't eat popcorn thou either

rhuan replied 4099 days ago

If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?

If they have figured out time traveling.

rhuan replied 4099 days ago

Jys die BESTE neh!*

Moet nie lieg nie!!:) Dankie maatjie*

rhuan replied 4099 days ago