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Ricky Hall



33 Replies

A body part you think you could do without ?


ricky.hall replied 3400 days ago

What do you s*ck at?


ricky.hall replied 3646 days ago

Friend you cannot live without?


ricky.hall replied 3648 days ago

Have you ever farted in public?

All the time XD

ricky.hall replied 3650 days ago

Why are you getting back with ash?

Dunno who you are but why is my life any of your business?

ricky.hall replied 3655 days ago

Your ex girlfriend is pretty *exy. ;)

Yes she is! She's beautiful

ricky.hall replied 3655 days ago

favorite song of all time?

Purple pills - eminem

ricky.hall replied 3655 days ago

I love you, baby. Lel. Xoxox

I love you to, bub. xoxo

ricky.hall replied 3657 days ago

Dumbest thing you've ever heard?

Don't even know where to start haha

ricky.hall replied 3657 days ago

darcy bice?? something is wrong with u if u belive shes


ricky.hall replied 3658 days ago

darcy is a druggo and a s k a n k

That's nice

ricky.hall replied 3659 days ago

u do know darcy is only helping you to get revenge on ash cause of there fight? thought you were smarter than that ricki.


ricky.hall replied 3659 days ago

thoughts on your ex girlfriend of 3 yrs

I'm always gunna love her no matter what. Seems silly but if you've ever been in love you'd understand what I mean

ricky.hall replied 3659 days ago

Nothin against you but darcie bice is **** of a thing, agree with the other person below!! :)

I really don't care? She's done nothing wrong to me, actually she's helped me out a lot with the person I love most in this world. How is that a bad thing? I think that people judge her before getting to know her.

ricky.hall replied 3659 days ago

hahaha darcie bice ewww thought you had more sense than that everyone knows shes a lieing two faced s kank and nothing but a drug ****ed head and sleep around hahaha no respect for u know mate

Couldn't care less what you think anon :')

ricky.hall replied 3660 days ago