who is ur boyfrnd n does he rly lov u
kodi izi zilipobe.....y u wnt to knw him n who r u
how is kamrad
l dnt knw coz l dnt evn knw that name
who r ur frndz
every1 including u stranger
are u so crezy?
ppo says so
do u get the meaning of lov
love? No, like if l knw it
do u like him? I mean taurai
yap l do y being interestd to knw any way usandikwiitse
whats between u and taurai manyamba? Are u datng?
nothng, who are u? We are friends basi
y do u alwys kip lovng him?
lovng who?
and what is your dream career?
wana b a deologist
do u miss or think about her?
very much
whats your vision of your life in the next 10 years?
hmmm wana b smbdy work hv my own house wana b indipendent, wana b smbdy whom ppo shld b proud off
who inspires your life?
ma mum
R u perfect?
no am nt and av nvr sein a perfect person in ma lyf
koma nde unaumatu kuopa kumene kuja?
yap waz scared to death axse l didnt expct to met anybdy sha dat waz close eyo ndinaumadi
Ever had a crush on a guy u just met on facebook?
nah av nvr crushd on to fb frnd
How old are yu kwenikweni coz it seems kuti unakokera
haha am 17 bwanji ndinakokera chani?
whom do u hate most?
evrybody includin u
wats ur gr8tst fear on earth?
being hurt
wat wud u do if ur boyfrnd's best frnd seems to care wen ur boy z careless?
l dnt knw!! U tel me wat l shld do
can i come to your home today?
who the hell are you
anakusiya kapena unamusiya?
tinasiyana bwanji kodi wats ur bro
wats up with u and ur ex?
**** **** **** u people wats wrong wth u,u the same ppo who are askn hm the same qstn and he thnks am the one askng hm, hey guys jst leav me around plz y u so much into my lyf afairz.? Wea did l wrongd u ppo
Nditakufunsira ungandilole popeza ulibe mamuna?
ayi u nt perfect as my ex
who is ur boyfrnd?
is it true that ur the queen of indian ocean?
yes and your father is the king
y do you alwz act crezy?
waz born like that
u look like ur involvd in satanisim
kodi satanic ilipo? Thanx 4 the complemnt any way
zoti ndiwe wamatama ndizoona?
eya ndizoona!!
do yo love faqeelee?
nah l dnt
do you miss your ex smtymz?
yes l rly mis hm
cn u get back to me?
who are u? Waz l once urz?
bwanji mkazi bhobho?
bho bho
wa singano!!
sup weniweni
I don't know what's wrong between u and the one who admired you that 'you're hot and beautifu'...but flankly I think a simple "Thank you" could have been better, hence we won't be afraid to admire you in future.Thanks
oh thank u sir l got that
were u born like, ..that cute or may be there are some secretes ngati ku yuza
l waz born like that, l dnt ned ku user to make myslf prety, nature satisfies me
u hot and beautiful!
l knw dat, u dnt ned to remind me, thank u
l like the way u talk bebs u gud to chil wth aha
mmm thats swt thank u
ur smile makes me 4get may pro u cute gal
hahaha l wil tak that as a complement
Do u hv a boyfriend.?? Do u blv him.?? Ok if not,wat type of boyfriend do u lyk.??
nah,l dnt belv anybdy,dcnt worthy to be trustd 1who wil only se me,shld also be kind and caring
pliz luv i can b wit u!! we can b a couple!!giv me a chance can i inbox u??
No chance!! who r u?
oky lets talk business nw..wud u date me o u've gat anatha dude??
l wdnt dat u, l dnt hv a dude, nt interestd in relatnshps
Fabolous, it wil b nyc tokn to u again continue being a strong gud rilbabe #thaownersaysbye..
haha k
luv u babe!!! im goin crazy bout u!! it doesnt matter if u dnt care coz i do..mwwah lol!!!!
so very funy anonymous
Hmmmm! Interesting...Tha owner of qooh me neva shows his face it wil b cul if i dont visit ur inbox, hou do u c th@?
mmm cul,it mean the real chick who dsnt mind othrz b,a gal who bealivs in hrslf who knwz hr stand and who is nevr afraid of tryng thngz
i knw u dnt luv..i also dnt koma u showd me hw 2..LOVE
hehey ths is madnes ndithu
Then w@s tha meanin?
inbox me l wil tel u
had a drim i waz datin u..nd i want 2 show u hw much i luv yu..i swear im gonna prove it!!
l cnt lov you,l dnt lov
R u aware th@ rilbabes are chiks who act p*rnography in USA?
nah u telng me nw, bt my name dsnt mean dat yah got difrnt meanings
it waz dope..had a drim about u**dats y im askin..
who are you? Wat waz the dream huh
sup girl...hw waz da nyt??
was cul hw bwt u
hey prety who you dating?
hie, grace
babie ndakusowatu
who are you
Wats makn yo day hectic?
zambiri aixse,
but are you oky?
yap y askn? Jst hvng a hectic day
grace minaj ukutani?
jst home listning to music sup
bwanji aixse zikundaza?
i hope u wana ask if thngz are workng, yap evrythng is cul
Hey! i lyk ur photo! Sticky max.
glad dat u like it max
Aahaa hope i ddnt get u wrong ndiwe hule?
nah sine hule koma unanena kuti ernest ndi hule nde ndikuti zoti ndihulezo ndavomera dats y anandifusira sunavetse pati iweyo
hw do yo feel when someone cheat yo neozsings
it hurts so bad
Umadziwa kuti enerst ndi hule?
eya dats y anandifusira and ndinakonda huleyo
amakutulutsa pa gate ndi ndani?
jst listend to ur song dnt go its nice gal kip it up!
aww thanx tho kuesera
bwanji grace minaj?
awwch l evn 4gt that bwt dat name sup tho
umasowatu bwanji? Matama
eya matamao alipo coma am a home gal
tidziti inuyo u holy mery?
u can cal it holy abraham 4dats ur businez
adona mwasiya kutuluka panja pa gate bwa?
onditulutsayo palibepo so no use
do u stil s*ck ur mama's breast?
do u s*ck ur dad\'s ****?
Iz it true dat ur mum Aida chibwenzi chawo,ndi bwana waku ministry of tourism?
am l supos to knw my mum's partnrz? Wats ur busines in that?
Iz it true dat ur mum Aida. .chibwenzi chawo ndi bwana waku ministry of tourism?
and wats ur business in dat?
are u a hot gal?
wana fel me?
l can be ur heaven
hahaha do u hav paradise in thr?
do yo go to church neozsings
yes bro y askng?
why do yo unloved faqlee
to hel wth u get a life
Its bcoz i lyk u! En am ur frend!!
wats ur name?
Am intrested 2 know u!
y who r u?
How do u feel 2b a lesbian?
hahaha kodi ndekuti atsikananu mumandifira eti? Any way l cn use u by a way
Hey! Y do u lyk lesbians?
who tod u dat am a lesb?
R u lesbian? cz i lyk u
are u a gal?
If u say Aida kachitsa iz ur mum,who iz ur father?
iwe l thnk u got crushes on her eti
Do u like me?
anonymous wana knw i lyk yah haha funy
Have achieved wat u wntd 2 b wen u wer young f nt wat r u dng currently?
yap l hv
what are your best wishs neozsings
to be the best in lyf
what type of job would yo want to do in yo lyf
l wana be a deologist!
mwano umenewu bwanji?
ndinabadwa wamwano kale nde undizolowere
R u ralated 2 Aida kachitsa
how many tymz must l answr ths qstn? Yes shez my blood sis kuti muvetse mwina
Nditakufunsira ungandilole.
nah l dnt ned any relatnshp
Are u really related 2 neo singano?
yap any pro?
@ what age did u break ur virginity?
wait let me ask ur dad first
who u going out wth?
Who(guy) du u lyk nw?
ernest kamrad!!!
wats the name of your company?
the new generationz of rilbabes the princess of L chronicles
were is she ryt now?
SA bwanji kodi who r you
R u related 2 Aida kachitsa
yap bwa u like her?
do you wear g-string
go ask ur mama\'s as*
whom do you like most?
my ex