do you like catarina as a friend or more!!??!
Y do u care
Idk why people are saying I like you.............awks kaitlynhiggins
kaitlyn likess youuuuuu
Good for her ?
do you "like like" kaitlyn?
No :(
who do you have a crush on?
No one
I like you :$ ............
I like u too anon as long as u arent a boy ;)
To keep texting you would include you replying.. kaitlynhiggins
I ran out of batteries :( but I just did
Umm u seem pretty hyped right now but ur nice funny and pretty keep texting?
Lol I would like to see that :p
never will i ever let her in kaitlynhiggins
Lol what if u have to go to the washroom?
226 270 9335
You actually like jaime?
No I don't :$
Man Michelle who gave u all this sugar?
hey boi its actually michelle kaitlynhiggins
Yeah I know kaitlyn texted me and she wants u to unlock the door so she can get back into her room :p
I think you like jaime
No duh she's a babe lol ;)
Heyy girl u kinda forgot to put anon on ;p
Nahh I'm too lazy
date kaitlyn
Totally bro will do ;)
K yah it was a joke.. its the same guy i wanna see ur detective skillz
Clearly a girl and I hope not a guy 0.o. . Cause who asks to see someone detective skills ? Lol
No im wondering if you know just say here
Lol it's probs just jokes
Do u know who the guy who called u a Pu**y is?
Lol I have to guesses inbox me or text me and I'll tell u
why are you soo HOT??!!
Lol I'm not -.-
Your a Pu**y but you give me food and lemme play xbox so all is good
Thanks bro
Whoever keeps sending the shi* to riley about prettiest girls, shutup he's said so many times he doesn't know, just leave it alone. jaimeroloson
Agreed thank you <3
Be honest..whos the prettiest grade eight girl at st.davids? Please just be honest say just one person
I really don't know
whos prettyer north dale girls or st david
Y do u care soo much -.-
best girl friends are northdale?
Yeah northdale is my best friend who's a girl
whos the prettest girl in your clas* give an answer
I really don't know
do you think kerissa ,brianna,jessica,katie,magen,catarina and claire are pretty
do you think jade.w, jade.l ,taylor and oliva are pretty?
who are the girls that are pretty in your clas*
do you think the girls on your clas* are pretty?
who do you like?
No body atm
top 5 GIRL bestfriend at st.david
Idk they act like try hate me
top 5 girl bestfriends from northdale?
Shaunykinz ;) , .... Jaime/kaitlyn , Molly , and idk Becca or abi?
who is the prettiest in you clas* give me an ansewr.....the cutest boy in my clas* is you ;)
Idk and thanks gurl
who do you most hate in your clas*?
Idk? :/ ?
first kiss?
Havent had :/
bestfriends ?
Curtis , Shauna , Jaime And whole hockey team .
You should date jaime
Yes i should ;) chat me ;)
top 5 prettiest girls you know, in order
I dont know
no, she didn't do anything to me. she's just a ***** and goes from guy to guy
Tough bro so she hasnt dated u?
k idk who the f*** just said dont go for her cause she'll play you... but i wont, dont listen to people, please. jaimeroloson
U got it jaimsauce ;)
who do you actually like...
Im not 100% sure
lol jaime roloson likes you
don't flirt with her or date her or anything, she will play you
Lol i know and y not ?? Did she do it too u?
what school do you go to ?
St D. Hby