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6 Replies

Who is your favourite touhou and why? Rodrodrodrodrod

Oh man I log in and see this still sitting in my inbox...since 644 days ago...this is so hard to answer man why you ask something so hard. I think Reimu really stood out to me at the start because she is all ~beautiful shrine maiden much strong~ but really just a lazy and unladylike but reliable when she needs to be. Over the years everyone just grew on me more and more and I can't pick a favourite anymore. HOWEVER, the OTP is still reimari and I can write a whole essay on why I ship them so hard.

rinccio replied 3502 days ago Rodrodrodrodrod

aaaa i haven't read anything by H.P. Lovecraft for a long time but this is p cool. also tentacles. TENTACLES.

rinccio replied 4146 days ago

How'd you get into cosplay? Rodrodrodrodrod

things just happens I guess?? I can't actually remember why I started cosplaying..but I don't actively cosplay that much so idk if I actually "got into" cosplay >__>

rinccio replied 4147 days ago

Imma real happy for you and Imma let you finish but Sekibanki had the best and most metal theme in DDC of all time...OF ALL TIME! Rodrodrodrodrod

YEP SHE DOES but she is got the whole cape and ~cool expression~ thing going so that's expected. I just didn't expect the cute mermaid to have such a rock-ish theme haha

rinccio replied 4147 days ago

Who are you thinking about as you answer this?

I'm listening to touhou music and Wakasagihime's theme is on right now so I'm thinking about her. her theme is quite heavily-rock but she is like a cute mermaid??? idk maybe she is metal as hell

rinccio replied 4147 days ago

yoyoyoyoyo its sharon squiddump

hello yes this is meth

rinccio replied 4147 days ago