who is your best friend out the girlzz ?
Idk atm :/
who is your best friend out of the boyzz ?
I dont know tbh :/
Have you ever been friendzoned?
who is the most important girl in your life
thoughts on rhian
shes really annoying .... jus joking, shes nice funny. can be annoying but oh well
thoughts on stephanie
shes really nice, cute and funny :) good to be around and yeh
Robert are you gay??
no, why would you think that?
See what I mean your like say it to my face blah blah blah sorry tough guy
ok, i see we r not on the same page. idk who u r, sooooo yeh. and if i do, say it, but i dont need to know your name, and im not that tough i admit it
im not trying to get any brownie points but yeh
No effence but you think you so tough when really you sook a lot and every time you do something like e.g throw a paper backwards and get it in the bin you brag about it for like a month and also start talking to Ivana if you really like her
um ok, idk who u are, but i dont act tough, coz i know im not the toughest at all by any means, i just mess around, so yeh, and dont tell me what to do, tell it to my face if you think i should listen to you
Dammmn girl while your at it make me a sandwich and while your at making me a sandwich moe my lawn and while your at that fetch me a drink
whats Gucci ?
ahhhaa, thoughts on Fairouz? Fairouzz
gucci? i think its a brand, and my thoughts on you are your my bffl <3
Pimple head Ew.
haha, kk take your fantasies somewhere else. hahah
dude you're such a poof you don't even talk to ivana why go out with her? you think rube has anger problems when you get pissed off for little things. omg man grow the f*** up dude
haha, ok take your problems somewhere else. haha :)
Who do u like
my girlfriend :p