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ask away xx

7 Replies

f*** the haters hun! xx

Thanks. Who's this??

rochellemariexx replied 4431 days ago

you such an annoying person. i don't like you.

No ones perfect. Your probably annoying in someway yourself.

rochellemariexx replied 4431 days ago

that was 6 ;)

Yea I couldn't leave out Cas*ie :)

rochellemariexx replied 4444 days ago

ok list your top 5 :) and whether you are still friends with them or not :)

Katie anson - kinda lost contact with her when I started college.
Monique goodhew - she moved so I haven't really heard from her in awhile.
Jamie murson - she moved to oz
Madison - we still chat often
Serena - course we are
Cas*ie screaton - she's just too amazing :)

rochellemariexx replied 4444 days ago

list all your best friends through your life?

Holey shi*. That would take ages. Another time perhaps xx

rochellemariexx replied 4444 days ago

Describe yourself in 172937494704730329383028203874648648436484 words?

No thanks.

rochellemariexx replied 4447 days ago

I like it in the butt hole, do you?

Good on you. Umm no

rochellemariexx replied 4447 days ago