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kaitlyn roleff


ASK !!!

993 Replies

Do you know tash

Tash who I know a few

rolly7 replied 3278 days ago

What's missing in your life ?


rolly7 replied 3280 days ago

Is your year going great ?


rolly7 replied 3283 days ago

Who has the best tasting **** you've had?

No idea... Lol

rolly7 replied 3283 days ago

You say you hate them but you only became friends with them(most of them didn't like you) because you got kicked out of your friend group.

Not true Lol

rolly7 replied 3284 days ago

Thoughts on
Kayla Evelyn Liardet
Rhian Taylor
Grace Saxon

Kayla - use to be really close not anymore but she is beautiful !! Rhian - had our ups and downs but yeah alright now I guess she also stunning grace - yeah same with Rhian had ups and downs but alright now ! She is also gorgeous and has an awesome body !

rolly7 replied 3284 days ago

Hate is a very strong word

Yes yes it is

rolly7 replied 3288 days ago

Thoughts on Liam Hoppner?

Have so many memories with him and yeah his an awesome guy and love him loads

rolly7 replied 3288 days ago

Thoughts on Josh Spina?

His cool

rolly7 replied 3288 days ago

Thoughts on Madi Mcgregor?

She's alright

rolly7 replied 3288 days ago

Thoughts on Patto?

His cool

rolly7 replied 3288 days ago

Thought on Nathan De Luca?

Hate him

rolly7 replied 3288 days ago

Thoughts on Emily Horan?

Hate her

rolly7 replied 3288 days ago

Thoughts on Bridgette Gaulke?

Hate her

rolly7 replied 3288 days ago

Thoughts on Georgia Moore?

Hate her

rolly7 replied 3288 days ago