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4 minutes, to my mumma
Haha dunnoo who you are, soo maybe not lol
I don't know and I honestly couldn't care less. Only people that matter are the ones I care about.
Walk up to her and say hello?
Lol funny. If you actually knew about anything you'd have known me and Hannah became friends again before me and nick broke up! And became really close again like we used to be. I love his family! They're great people! Just because I've broken up with nick doesn't mean I have to **** his family off :) So cheers anon! And if you ever want to continue the convo in sure you know where to find me on facey :) keep talkin bout things you don't know! :)
Aw thankyou whoever you are xxx Means a lot! :) xo
I can see alcohol... haha probably drinks and random fun :) Yourself?
My cousin Liz.
he cheated on me with another girl, and ****ed me off. nice guy..
Myself and how goddamn amazing I look with a tan ;)
My old life back :/
Heeeey :) supp?
Why am I not still asleep?
Whats ***** supposed to be?
Not too bad, pretty cruisey. Yourself?
Great minds must think alike :)