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food and my basketball
I will too orninald.. I will too
Monita was my bestfriend and shes really short and has a really cute voice and laugh.. she's crazy doe
Chelsea used to be my bestfriend too.. she's really sweet and fun to talk to ect, but she's also a bit crazy and I miss talking to her
fatima and celinda are 10s, aint ratin' nobody
everything celinda has
aw thx anon ????
hell yeah it was :D
idk maybe
summer and summer
Merci anon :')
anon ill be your bestfriend
ugh already said 7ers and cullen, ornina, niman, fatima, celinda, nahor, Jared, keiauna etc. I love almost everyone
niman, fatima, ornina, celinda and Jared are my main niggas
Katie, Amanda, Daniel, Sandra
Nicole, musie, Rania and talal
fine thank you for asking
Nicole and musie! It'd be great if they were together;););););)
food, water, basketball and my baby penguin
lots, but like Katie & Amanda, had lots of memories
my grandma
cuddling wit mah bby
celinda and fatima are 10s
walks, beautiful weather, walks in beautiful weather, food, video games, basketball, books, math, water, celinda, celinda, Ect ect
fatima, celinda, ornina & niman<3
I'm an intergalactic space alien sent on a mission to conquer earth from a planet 5 galaxies away and somehow fell inlove with a penguin on my journey which made me join the good side
this is a test right
.. ok than idk
tbh ya probably LOL
no I love celinda
I Lyke pizza, red, fatima, niman, ornina, celinda, basketball, & gym or math
of course I do, my bestfriend :D
that's .. nice ..
Nicole and musie
mah nigs consist of fatima, Danny, celinda, Michael, Jared, Cullen, orninald, Christian, nahor & nate
John Paul deux
Nicole, musie, talal, Zane, rania
like 7 months
nahorrr<3! you're such a nice & chill guy! you're actually so funny & you and niman put on quite the show;) LOOL. you're one of my bestfriends & you're getting better at basketball!!:D wish we had teams this year:/ we need to chill outside of school again sometime!! :)
nahor, katie, jared, niman & i want to hang out with celinda soon:(
who dis
jp2 homie
nahor, amanda, katie, & sandra. we used to be really close, miss them :(
basketball and badminton:D
fatima, my ugly baby, niman, ornina & everyone that makes me laugh to death
bc shes cool
that sounds.. horrible.. is it contagious?
we went to different clas*es:( talk with me more often, i actually miss being close with you!! :)
celinda.. if you didnt already know..
inbox me :)
everyone can be lazy & is it a bad thing that complex things are easy..........?-.- but maybe god hates you idk
i miss being close with you :c, we need to start talking again! :) youre really funny & we have a lot of food memories from last year:\') aah, s*cks that youre not in my clas* this year:(
i miss her:( shes really good at basketball & shes really cool:D i love her pushups..;) i think we should chill soon!!:)
celinda, fatima, ornina, danny, cullen, niman, michael, jared, dakota
its fricken uglyyyyy
fatima, celinda, ornina & niman, danny, cullen
red, blue, purple
thanks anon:')
fatima, jared, ornina, cullen, niman, michael, ect
katie, niman, celinda, nahor, jared, amanda, danny & micheal
she isnt? :$
idk man u tell me
who in tha hell r u anon
whats it to ya shuga titz
fatima! :)
fatima, danny, katie & a few more
thats a little personal, dont ya think? :$:$:$
i dont know that many words :(
thats what mommy told me!