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ross wilson


Ask me stuff peeps, don't be shy

51 Replies

What type of people bore you ?

all humans bore me, they are predictable

rossyboy replied 3467 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Don't watch many movies

rossyboy replied 3471 days ago

What do you hate about yourself ?

Everything, there is nothing good about me

rossyboy replied 3471 days ago

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

i'm not to sure, i might choose tim or sam and make them clean my room

rossyboy replied 3495 days ago

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

i haven't had a bath since i was 6 i've been having showers.

rossyboy replied 3497 days ago

Something you regret buying and why ?


rossyboy replied 3508 days ago

How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?

ask them if they wanted a drink or something to eat

rossyboy replied 3567 days ago

The last thing you bought ?

two egg and bacon muffins and a caramel oak

rossyboy replied 3584 days ago

What is your biggest success up until now?

not giving up on life

rossyboy replied 3627 days ago

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

be an assassin

rossyboy replied 3631 days ago

How much do you weigh?

over 113 kg

rossyboy replied 3640 days ago

Plans for the new year ?

don't know anymore

rossyboy replied 3647 days ago

The best song in 2014 for you ?

blank space, taylor swift

rossyboy replied 3649 days ago

What did you get for christmas ?

a new phone

rossyboy replied 3653 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

anyone because then i get a chance to die

rossyboy replied 3656 days ago