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Ask me anything that is reasonable thanks

9 Replies

And what were there names

Who is this??

roxy143 replied 3653 days ago

Who were your friends in primary school

Most people in my class.

roxy143 replied 3655 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

My parents and my bestie!

roxy143 replied 3656 days ago

Thoughts on riley hverst

Just friends through school from being in the same class that's all.

roxy143 replied 3656 days ago

What is attractive about you?

Well I'm not quite sure you would have to ask the opposite gender!

roxy143 replied 3659 days ago

Guess mudda fooker

Im sorry i have no idea are you shore you have the right person?

roxy143 replied 3745 days ago

You are a gay fuc.k head, got no friends

Who is this

roxy143 replied 3745 days ago

The duck walked up to the lemond ad stand Rubya

And said to the man running the stand "hey got any graps"

roxy143 replied 3832 days ago

Dumbest thing you've ever heard?

This question

roxy143 replied 3832 days ago