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Ask me anything you like if you want to know me more :)

74 Replies

How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?

feed them then give some dollar

ruper replied 3485 days ago

Who do you envy and why ?

No one. because im not that kind of person

ruper replied 3486 days ago

A body part you think you could do without ?

Brain. Because I still have heart that can feel the love

ruper replied 3494 days ago

The last thing you bought ?


ruper replied 3501 days ago

Dream holiday destination ?

New york and Philippines,

ruper replied 3515 days ago

She dumped him cause she is a huge s.lut. She doesn't even deserve guys.

Nah. dont say that. we doesn't know what's the reason why they broke up. Don't judge the girl like that but anyway my brother is tough. and his moved on already

ruper replied 3517 days ago

Blonde or brunette?

Idc. as long as they kind and respectful :)

ruper replied 3517 days ago

No, I didn't mean him i meant the other one

ohh yeah I get it. nah I don't know why they broke up its all good I reckon. they still young so they could still find a better person for them

ruper replied 3517 days ago

Your brothers ex is a ****..

ruther's? haha they still together boi !

ruper replied 3517 days ago

Best yr 12 girls and guys outfits from today

Bikinis for girls idc about the guys haha

ruper replied 3518 days ago

Ever date a guy

whaamt sort of question is that ? but no I will never no chance Mate

ruper replied 3518 days ago

What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?


ruper replied 3518 days ago

What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?

A tattoo and yeah I got it now

ruper replied 3524 days ago

When was the last time you cried and why ?

2 years ago and I cried because we had to moved here and leave my nan and relatives

ruper replied 3532 days ago

What has wasted your time the most this year ?


ruper replied 3534 days ago