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Ryder Mustebait


Ask me anything you like anonymously

9 Replies

How do you handle stress? spiritualrp

I cry. A lot.

rydear replied 3052 days ago 1

What Is something you want to accomplish in life? spiritualrp

I just want to travel. to so many places. I've been to a handful of pretty bizarre places, but I want to go everywhere.

rydear replied 3052 days ago

If someone was really depressed needed someone to go too and asked if you would listen, would you? If they asked for advice depending on the situation what would you say? Please explain: spiritualrp

Of course. I'm a really good listener and I'm good at encouraging others. Idk a specific example on a situation, but if anyone ever needs me, literally i don't care who you are, I'm here.

rydear replied 3052 days ago

What time is it where you are?

1:43 am

rydear replied 3054 days ago

Favorite thing about your top 8?

Rosco: her laugh and the way she loves me unconditionally; the way she can talk about things for hours; her sleepy/sick voice. Asdkfkldksks

Averie: how caring and kind she is; how she puts others before herself

Casey: her humor and how she doesn't get offended easily

Barbie: her innocence and how she's always so happy

Scarlett: how she always knows what to say

Westlee: how she's always there no matter how long we haven't talked

Cooper: her positive outlook on life and how she always has the right words

Vixen: the fact she's the baby and I will protect her with my life

rydear replied 3054 days ago 1

What was the last lie you told?

Literally idek

rydear replied 3054 days ago

What is your greatest regret ?


rydear replied 3055 days ago

What turns you off in a person?

Literally everything turns me off

rydear replied 3055 days ago

Who was the last person to call you?

My mom I think?

rydear replied 3055 days ago