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Little pimples???
Answered this??!
Answered this?
Smoking, drinking.
How many girls/guys they dala'd?its kak stupid???like idgaf
This is a tough one?but... Imma say Aamirah or Kaydee.
When I was a child, and had no worries other than what outfit I had to wear
Justin Bieber
A boy, can't say who tho... But because he don't answer so why must I put effort in...
Life's a two way street!
When I don't get food...
Talking about themselves and not even bothering to get to know you
The fact people have the time to rate people by their looks rather than their personality
Nothing. I'm broke
It's new, wore it just for you
What's your favourite flavour?
Twinkle twinkle little naier, you only jealous cause I'm kwaaier
Jou toet klop
Waars Adrian? Gee jy nie lekker by hom nie?
Eh het nou dan van jou plek gekom het. Vergeet alweer?
Which ones...
Your bek stink
I'm full. Tomorrow lover
Get a dictionary. Or use your phone to increase your range of vocabulary.
(much love shexy)
Anything when it comes to you baby
Naming your favourite hobbies are we? Lmao
Oh.ok thanks not kaydee
Bored again?
Babes ;)
Not sure
Nope. Like I said I don't wanna be hurt and waste my time on someone who will never like me back. I've been hurt enough to know I won't let that happen again
Weirdest chicka alive
I don't have a crush. I choose to lesson my expectations and I'd rather not waste my time thinking about someone who will never like me back.
I've been told otherwise but this is sweet
Not all the time but when I have to be
9 . 10 next year
1D concert tickets from my mum. Best day in my life and got to spend it with my fav person
Art and math and history
On my phone.
I have alot
I'm tired of people playing games with me