When you letting me take you out
Who is this? ??
Lytie ?? let's see if you can guess who ?
Lyyrrriiieee ?. Shakheem!?
K. Luv yoooooou bye☺✋❤
Idk who this is???. Buttt okaay byee ✋?
Any plans for the future?
To drive people more crazy ??
Is/was he hot??
He is hot ??
btch, imy?. Come down soon❤. ii think yunno who thiis is?. That's right, your favourite cuz??
Kiiiitttzzz ? lol imy2. Noo, you guys have to come now ?
I love ur style
Awh ?, thank yoou.?
What cuts you off in a person?
Lies ?
What are your hobbies ?
Eating, sleeping and shopping. ??
Gurllll,you’re absolutely stunning???
Thank yoou ??
So wat uu have to say to ur fave cuzzi,Shariii???
She's the most annoying person ever ??. I'm still waiting for ya to come and stay ?
Just cause you said i must qooh you ??
Haha funny ?
Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment?
Yeah, my boyfriend ?
Would you date someone smaller than you?
Depends on how small ?. But lol no I wont
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a guy friend drank heaps of water/soda, then ended up stuck somewhere they could go pee but you had to wait?
Nope, never. ??
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Ahh I dunno ay
Who was your first crush ?
Ahh can't remember ??
Describe Your Bestfriend?
She's the sweetest person ever ?. I love her to bits ❤️
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A lot ?