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wtf do people watch that??
idk something happy
10 seconds lel
cotton on body pj top and shorts
No, coz im nice like that
i really hate you and i want you to move schools so i don't have to deal with you anymore
go up to everyone i hate and slap them in the face x10
really nice and pretty, hope to see her and lexi soon
haven't tried, never going to
that this question is stupid
theres more than three
i hate u
coz ur a f**
no, but i friendzoned a guy, shood have seen the look on his face :D
her bossiness
hahahaha luv u 2 <3
what the f*ck is that sipposed 2 mean??? but lol
maddie c
angie e
jen piper
sophie trajer
michelle munasinghe
hayley burge
are my mains
u mean sonja? great friend, gives good advice, amazingly beautiful and i love her. we've had our ups and downs but through it all we are bffls
hi maddie!!
no :( who'/s this??
she was a good friend, really nice but she hurt me and my friends and i can never forgive her for it
well im afraid im losing one of my closest friends to a girl who I (and everyone else) cant stand.
too many