Little potato fangirl that loves food. I'm a singer/songwriter and reading is my other passion.
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I'm too trusting and that gets me hurt more often than not. I guess I just have high expectations that people are gonna be on a even level with me but then they're not. I hope that makes sense. ?
It makes me uncomfortable. I don't really want to comment more on that because people misunderstand what I mean and it starts an unnecessary argument. If you want, you can dm me and I'll explain. ?
No. Just no. Never.
I'm gonna have to there's a lot of strange and weird ones. But there's only one who's got "the most mysterious" in their list of character traits and therefore I have to say Cameron M. ? By far the most mysterious person I know, along with his very many quirks and unique characteristics. ?
I would probably be either a cat or a sloth. Maybe a bunny, if I think about it carefully, because it's both lazy and adorable. Tired and enthusiastic. Annnd it loves cuddles and affection. Much like me.❤?
P.P.S. I wuv bunnies tooooo ??
Why not paragraphs? ?
I can't stand it when people lie to me about important things because that makes me feel like they don't respect me enough to tell me the truth. I also dislike people who think they're "all it". I get along way better with people who are down to earth because they aren't afraid to be themselves or have fun in a way that they're comfortable with. Finally, I am EXTREMELY put off by people who call themselves Christian just for the label, but they don't actually live like a Christian in faith or pray or anything. It says a lot about a person if they only take on a religion because they think that no effort goes into it and they don't have to do anything.
I'm thinking of going into Psychology because I like to connect with people on a deeper level. I'm always trying to give advice and help others with there emotional baggage. It just seems like a good field for my personality and character, and I'll be able to do what I love everyday which is get people to see the sunshine again. ?
Heya Anon. How's it going? ?
Yes. I think I do, Pickle. ?
Dm me so I can try and get an emergency Easter Egg to you.
Cool story bro, but it kinda looks like someone just had a seizure on their keyboard.
Start reading my Bible and praying daily. I've found so much to be grateful for now. ❤❤❤
Was this meant to be a sentence describing my love life too? ?
A hand???? I have no idea actually.
He stole my pixie dust before I could escape to Neverland. So if I have to stay here and grow up then so does he. :D
That's lovely Anonymous. :P Lolz but I'm pretty sure it's already a given for everyone who knows me that I hardly ever leave my room. So either you know me or you're my resident stalker or both.
I actually don't know. I haven't been allowing myself room for that and I'm kinda trying to avoid it for a little while because school is very important to me seeing as my uni applications are going in this year and then next year my marks will decide if I can get a scholarship into one. Plus I'm yet to meet someone who accepts me for me and knows me well enough for me to trust them to stick around apart from my current guy friends. And they're just close friends, not romantic interests. Also (and I know it's a long answer as it is) I'm the kind of person who wants someone to enter my life only if they want to try to stay in it for the long run, not just three days or one week or six months. Hope that explains everything.
About R1 000 000 000 (a billion) so that I'll never have to work a day in my life or go to school ever again. I can literally just retire. No more stressing about studying or worrying about not being happy with my career. I'll be able to invest myself in my music career, take care of my family and donate to charities.
Things that are considered wrong in the Bible being permitted and justified in society. I would be more specific but then half the world would be against me.
By spending it on themselves all the time. They never learn how important it is to give to others and therefore never gain good qualities, just worldly stuff.
The Death of the Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco ★☆★☆★
I LOVE POTATOES. THEY ARE FABULOUS :D (PS I know who are anonymous :p)
Lolz Anon are you who I think you are? Because I'm pretty sure you wished me luck via dm today. Thanks again though :P there's a few. Lolz I feel guilty to name just one. I'd have to say the prettiest one is Shea. She could be a Vogue model and it's not just her appearance that's beautiful, it's her personality too. ♥
Being honest, trusting one another and always making time to be with them or talk to them. Never let them doubt that you care about them ♥
To be honest...there's a lot. First one that comes to mind is that I'd answer as many questions in class as I want without caring about everyone judging me. Secondly, I'd go up to attractive people and just start talking to them, maybe even admit that I think they're attractive. Thirdly, I'd stay in a campus when I get to university and not stay with my parents till I've graduated or gotten married (whichever comes first). But of course that's later in my future, I've got to finish high school first. Fourth, I wouldn't bother too much about getting A's for all my subjects in my report. The list goes on...
And who might you be? :P
Because food and I have an exclusive relationship. *smirk*
I'd choose Tinkerbell and I would take pixie dust...loads and loads of pixie dust.
Being able to spend more time with my friends, taking my favourite subjects...finally, and food. Yup, definitely food.❤
Religion definitely and the amazing people in my life. Without both of those I wouldn't be the person I am today.❤
It was super fast actually. One second I was just starting the year and now it's nearly over. I can't even remember writing June exams and now I'm practically finished with November exams. I also reckon this year I learnt a lot about myself and people that I interact with. It's not been an easy year or maybe not the most amazing one but it sure has been interesting.?
Um...I actually don't know if there are any at all. That I'm shy? I hope there's no rumours about me.?
If someone is too full of themself and every second word of theirs is a swear word. I just that I can appreciate a person who is humble and funny without needing to be crass.❤
Donate a lot of money to as many charities as possible. That or make sure my family has enough money to last them a lifetime so they never need to be in want of things. That's how I'd first use the money but thanking God is definitely number one on my list.?
Leaving MS. I learnt so much about myself afterwards and I honestly don't regret it. It's amazing what moving schools can do. But I will admit I miss a few of my friends from there.❤ 2nd best decision: Becoming friends with Courtney C.❤❤❤
Umm...I'll know when I get there (not anytime soon) but I want my children to have names with beautiful meanings. ?
A whole load of silliness and chocolate. I'm actually not sure how to answer this correctly. It's pretty fun...and a teensy bit weird sometimes but that's all due to my crazy and wonderful friends. ???
Finally getting to take the subjects I like and spending another year with my amazing friends.
When someone told me something I didn't want to hear. Even though I sorta forgave them it still hurts.
Up till Grade 6 it was books. In Grade 7 it was Jasmina S. from PPS.
High school ? An academic one.
Fangirl, loves food
If they're snotty and full of themselves. If every second word they speak is a swear word and if they mock religion.
I have a few, so I guess describing them might take a paragraph...te tired right now.
First of I would pray and then I would tell all my friends and family how much I love and appreciate them. And for fun I'd eat as much chocolate as I wanted.