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kial alderton


**** ****.

449 Replies

She isn't innocent anon you dumb c*nt :')


satan666 replied 4043 days ago

Kials fab, Jemmys fab. BUT WOOOOOW. who cares if their relationship ended, you're both like 14-15 idek man. You'll have other relationships so calm down and have a cone.

having one right now

satan666 replied 4043 days ago 1

Jem doesn't deserve this shi* kial

she deserves all of it :-) so smd and f*** off c*nt face

satan666 replied 4043 days ago

you're actually such am ***hole! poor f***ing jemmy, you're being such a Dic* to her but you 'loved her so much, she's so perfect' and when you's break up you's fight all the time? you're such a f***ing Dic*, with no respect for girls.


satan666 replied 4043 days ago

You really are just a terrible person
I hope you wake up to yourself and realise the damage you're doing to an innocent young girl.

its funny because this is probably her since she has nobody to stick up for her, but ay im not the bad person here f***head if she just left me alone and wasn't such a Dic*head none of this would have happened

satan666 replied 4044 days ago

You're f***ing filthy c*nt
Jemmy is beautiful and you're just an arsehole
Shes so f***ing upset over you, I hope you f***ing burn in hell, you and mady. You deserve shi* all you pathetic tosser.

Well I f***ing hope so

satan666 replied 4044 days ago

You were a huge c*nt before jemmy.

Sure was c*nt

satan666 replied 4044 days ago

You've turned in to a HUGE c*nt! You used to be a nice respectable boy and that girl jemmy has turned you into a rat! That dirty f***ing skank yuck
Shes the ugliest fatttest c*nt ive ever seen ew'! You should get mady to bash her and f***ing kill the slu*!

have I really changed that bad? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ( I LOVE YOU ) :')

satan666 replied 4044 days ago

3 things that attracts you to a person?


satan666 replied 4045 days ago

I miss you so much Kial! <3

k die plz xxx

I mis u 2 fgt! K den xxx

satan666 replied 4046 days ago 1

I still made you ***

Not the only one

satan666 replied 4048 days ago 1

HAHAHA. JAMILLA ZARRO. you f***ing make me laugh. I dont want you out of the picture, you're just the jealoys ex girlfriend! I dont want Kial, if i did i could have had him by now with no trouble, and dont say you didnt kiss anybody because i saw you kiss zac. Mady_Wilkie

:') :')

satan666 replied 4048 days ago 4

Dont pretend im hurting you, you dont give a f*** about me and you never did.the people who are telling you this are no doubt all friends with mady, she wants me out of the picture because she wants you, if you dont see that you're stupid Jemmyxx

Did I say who you were hurting, no I didn't! And does it f***ing matter who has told me?!? Oh I'm sorry that I have a girl as a friend!

satan666 replied 4048 days ago 1

Funny because its not the truth! Jemmyxx

Stop trying to make everyone think it's you that's the one that is hurting so much for f***sake you are the one causeing all this! And yes you f***ing did more then 3 people have told me Your going to walk out of this with no one

satan666 replied 4048 days ago 1

Brawl Dylan_coates


satan666 replied 4048 days ago 2