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Yes, with a hint of purple
well i can tell you who she is cause it aint anyone. Haha maybe i might have someone im into later in my life :)
well, she would be everything you could wish for i guess. Kinda the only thing i can think of. There is no 'single' perfect person in the world, but there is 'a' perfect person for everyone in this world. hope that explained haha
thanks :D
hmm there alot of things that can determine a "perfect" girl.
haha no i dont :P
Why does it matter soo much? Inbox me on Facebook who this is?
Inbox me who this is, btw I'm not going to give anymore clues
Yes i do
unfortunatly it aint gonna happen, i thought i could get it done before i went to america but i didnt so there isnt going to be one... Gonna join any team that needs an extra player though
at the moment, yes
Ahaha who is this! U a funny nugget
We are best friends forever man
easter? hahaha :')
Great down to earth gal in my clas*
I have no idea :S Ask her haha
Well i dont have a ruler on me right now, sorry
thats pretty f***ing hard, hope ur alright with a top 5 in no order
Elly Spiers
Millie Mcdermot
Rosie Scott
Jada Burroghs
Izzy Wilson
Btw this is a short list, there are alot of lookers at Padua that could make this list go for awhile :)
Top nicest lads
Chris Rule
Lachlan Watt
Jake Shotton
Joel Millar
Justin Vincent
Rob Cias
Jaydn Nileson
Jacob Wynd
Matt Trav
Matt Jenkins
There are alot more then these guys, but i just did 10 of them
Top nicest gals
unfortunatly i dont really know any girls enough to make a "top nicest"
inbox me clue/hint
well if i do send "hey" to this person, we havnt talked for awhile, so it'll be wierd as
hahaha, if i inbox the wrong person, then i'll feel like an idiot, sorry but i wish this deal had better winning odds
well not really :P, an inbox would be great
hmmm, you never know i guess
well yes, but she is a little too big of a catch for me, thats why i havnt said anythin to her
hmm, inbox me, even tho i know u wont
haha, f*** you too :P
Probably be surprised and be in awe cause she was able to actually lift her old, flabby arm, above her shoulder height
What do you mean *your* babies ;)
dude, im the worlds strongest man ;)
hmm. There are alot of things that my friends do that can annoy me, but nothing in particular. Why do you care?
Hahaha im best mates with snoop dogg, we f***ing light that shi* up every weekend ;)
hahaha, er mah gard, what should i do?! xD
well thats the problem
Do we talk much?
I like chocolate type people too!
really? thanks! :)
Idk, never been slapped before, i'd probably get angry and ask why the hell you would do that haha
You are scared to inbox me in-case i say i wouldnt?
To put it plainly, i dont really like anyone in particular, but there are days i do feel something for that one girl :)
hahaha, why dont you just tell her instead of me lol :P
Inbox me, you'll understand why you dont have to worry haha
I dont have a particular team, however i love the Lakers, bulls and the warriors :P
Hahaha Joel,i know