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Me dunno you
Sit on a chair
I don't know who you are?
This has to be Mayuran???
•A kiss on the forehead
•Hand holding where both palms touched tightly
• Being able to be yourself with the other
Altered carbon
How to get away with murder
Sitting on the beach sand eating ice cream and/or pizza in warm weather
Not really
Ice age
Best- focusing on the smaller details in life
Worst- being really self critical
Being a veterinarian
Kiss a dolphin on the nose
I'll make love to you by boys 2 men
Boo thang??✨♥
xxxtentacion was just a newbie but was fresh asf
Every little thing - soul for real
Currently I like stir fry by migos?
Chun li
I have so many I can't even list them??
Hey hey, I'm good and you? I cannot give my number to strangers??
Nope, have you????
Oh my word???is my view so important to them that they gotta know?? Buttttt they cute manh???
I am friendly. But ima have to know you first?
Who you
Spread butter on bread???Yassss I like doing that too??
Thank you??
No thanks
I think I do??
Straight af??
In mancosa
nothing really.
loyal, honest, shy af.