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Katie Aviss


Ask me anything you like anonymously

12 Replies

Would you kiss a girl, and would you like it? *I wear cherry chapstick.

Hahahahaha ily

sequinxheels replied 4497 days ago 3 1

If you grew a p**** out of your belly button, would you prefer it permanently erect so it would make you look like you were pregnant with a cu***ber or prefer it flaccid so it would look like you have a poo stuck to your stomach hanging?

I don\'t understand how it would look like \"poo stuck to my stomach hanging\" so I would go for flaccid. If one must have a p**** coming from their belly button, one would hope that it was as obscure as possible.

sequinxheels replied 4498 days ago 1

Tell me one of your secrets.

I told Hugh that I was in love with him when I was still with my ex.

sequinxheels replied 4499 days ago 1

dude. Neopets username? I play too, but i dont tell anyone and go by a different name on there ahahaha

sequinheels. I love Neopets! It's almost therapeutic playing Faerie Cloud Racers at the end of a long day at work. Don't be ashamed :D

sequinxheels replied 4501 days ago

your opinion on self harm?

I think it is really sad that people feel that it is the only way to release their emotions, or whatever reason it is that they resort to self harm. I think that it is unnecessary and that there are far better ways to deal with emotions or difficult situations, because self harm doesn't fix anything. I have personally witnessed someone harm themselves and it terrified me, I can't bare the thought of something hurting themselves.

sequinxheels replied 4503 days ago

I saw a horse today. It's pretty sick right, I'm pretty sure there should be a rule about unattended animals in schools?!


sequinxheels replied 4508 days ago

I saw Hugh's cuts the other day.. I hope you kiss them and tell him he's beautiful because he needs you

I take good care of him, you don't need to worry about that. I give him plenty of kisses everywhere and I tell him that I think he's gorgeous every single day (:

sequinxheels replied 4508 days ago

oh ok. dam i guess you can keep him then

Of course I do (; we'd made for eachother.

sequinxheels replied 4508 days ago

omg did u and hugh break up

Lol WHAT why would we break up?

sequinxheels replied 4508 days ago

What is your favourite brand?

Brand of what?

sequinxheels replied 4508 days ago 2

Do you love anyone?

A gorgeous guy called Hugh (:

sequinxheels replied 4509 days ago 1


Hello (:

sequinxheels replied 4509 days ago