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Ask me anything you like anonymously

145 Replies

Who is the most famous person you have met?

I don’t like to meet people ?.

serene_04 replied 2585 days ago

Can I make out with Aakil ?

You not his “type”????????????????????????????.

serene_04 replied 2603 days ago

Okay no for real now . I seriously think your life and relationship is a joke . I mean he left you twice okay for so many girls yet you still go back . Duh his gonna leave you again , after all you not his type . You not anyone’s type ???.

☹️that’s such a shame man .
I actually am happy that I’m just not “anyone’s type”.
?I don’t need to be his “type” either , Psssssht I’m already his wifey .

serene_04 replied 2603 days ago

Do you know that Aakil is cheating on you ?

Yah with soccer ???.
Man city is his other bae you yunno☹️.

serene_04 replied 2603 days ago

Which movie do you regret watching and why ?

One cat movie . I was so sick that day so I just wanted to get out of the cinema and plus that movie made no Sense.

serene_04 replied 2603 days ago

What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?


serene_04 replied 2617 days ago

Plans for 2018?

I have a lot actually and it’s mainly focusing on my first year collage life and hopefully getting my own place or something .

serene_04 replied 2623 days ago 2 1

Aqeel and you would be perfect for each other why don't you two date?

You don’t have a right to tell me who to date and who not to and it seems you have an obsession with Aqeel . If you like him then go tell him because I don’t know where you got this crazy idea in your messed up head that Aqeel and I like eachother . You are just so damn shallow ..boys and girls can be good friends you know ..sometimes it’s better to have a good best guy friend than a girl best friend because some girls tend to compete and lack in their friendship . So kindly fluff off my qoohme with your idiotic questions cause I got better things to do ??.

serene_04 replied 2623 days ago 2 1

Aqeel and you? Do you like him.

It’s 2018 and you still got no life ?.
You are very dumb ☺️.
And my heart belongs to only one person and that is non of your damn business ,so go and focus on your own love life cause it’s looking sad ☹️☹️☹️.

serene_04 replied 2623 days ago 1

What's going on between you and Aqeel?

Well what’s going on between us is that Aqeel likes someone and I like someone and since we both like people that makes us good friends who like people ,got it ???☺️

serene_04 replied 2623 days ago 1

What is your fav movie smileybear ?

I have to many .

serene_04 replied 2646 days ago 1

Hey there beautiful


serene_04 replied 2646 days ago 1

What happened between you and Tamryn?

We decided to part ways.?

serene_04 replied 2646 days ago 1

Small bums?✨❤️ Kivash_Batohi_

Can only be you but head ?

serene_04 replied 2646 days ago 1

Best friends?

Lmao I’m cool thanks sweetie .

serene_04 replied 2646 days ago 1