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Sarah Maher


okay, so if you are here to say something nasty, rather say it to my face, or click on someone elses page :) but for the others :D ask or tell me anything loserrrrs' ;) ♥ #

944 Replies

Howzit sarah, how you, don't really know you but u seem mellow :p michaelhartman00008

Thaaaanks :0

seri_sarah replied 4017 days ago

Your awesome beacuse you have the same name as me:::)))

You're awesome cos you're a Sarah ;).

seri_sarah replied 4018 days ago

Hey thee most amazing girl in SA! Hope u learned for NS tomz and hope u enjoy ur vaka with your dad! Love

:0 thank you ;;) who is this :0

seri_sarah replied 4019 days ago ask me something please\=D/ thank Yew short stack new account people hahaha free advestising ;;)

This is not an advertising place, don't qooh him :(

seri_sarah replied 4019 days ago

Sarah!!! I just thought I'd use some of my free time to tell you that you are very beautiful and amazing!! Don't change for anyone... You won't know me but just thought of telling you what I think of you.. ;;)

Thank you :0 why don't I know you ;'(

seri_sarah replied 4019 days ago

Hey just wanted to say that ur f*ckin gorgeous and u must never change neh. Stay amazing x * :p

Thank you x

seri_sarah replied 4020 days ago

You're actually pretty, pretty hey, just thought I'd let you know - Josh :)

Thank you :P which one?

seri_sarah replied 4020 days ago

Like who do u like why do u ask baecuas I love u

Cooooooooool :D

seri_sarah replied 4021 days ago

Who's that guy saying love your small titts or something like that then dolt ? Weird man and its not me cause my name is Dalton=) **** heads leave sarahs height alone I can't see her as a tall person :D #Be happy bye short stack ({}) see yew at skwl

Imagine I was tall D: no way :| being short has its benefits you know ;) ;) I always am happy :( :D see ya

seri_sarah replied 4021 days ago

HELLO SARAH I LOVE YOU!!!!! Enjoythe rest of ur day/night:p

... You Too :D

seri_sarah replied 4021 days ago

Nd I think its cutteee that ur so short..

Nina is shorter D: and Thank you :') x

seri_sarah replied 4021 days ago

Why wud any1 say anything nasty Sez coz ur sucha nice person nd very cute too

They're not being nasty :D they just won't stop asking why I'm short -_- its just irritating me, haha cos I have no idea why I am the way I am -_- Annnndd Thank you :D

seri_sarah replied 4021 days ago

You're Gorgeous on the outside and beautiful in the inside ;D ♥

Thank you ;D <3

seri_sarah replied 4022 days ago

Love your small t***:)Dolt;)

Excuse me?

seri_sarah replied 4022 days ago

Stop asking why she's short. How would she knw? Us short ppl are awesome! thandiweee

Thank you :D, and indeed we are ;) x

seri_sarah replied 4022 days ago