What are your thoughts on girls who don't shave their legs
Didn’t have any until now?
I love your industrial piercing x
Oh thank you?
at least im not the only one who thinks that
Thinks what
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend drank soda/water/coffee, then ended up stuck at some place you expected to have bathrooms but didn't?
Yes but I'm a guy so everywhere's a bathroom
What happened to Rein???
Do you ever fart?
Bit of a dumb question??
Do you jerk off
Wouldn't you like to know?
fck me with that massive ****
Ah nee
Does graham know?
Yes he does
Circumcised or not?
Come find out
You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?
Skyline squad ?
Do you like *****
Who doesnt??
Then where were u when u saw her
At the beach
I know u do modeling, ever been at a shoot with a hot girl? Describe her
Yes I have? but I don't know how to describe her?
You have such big ugly man boo*ies ?
I believe they're called pecks?
Ah ah ah ah ah ah that's what you mad me say last night baby ?
I can't remember so you obviously weren't that good?
You sp sgacwoalxpbdvaojqewqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm????????????????????????
I know your gay so s*ck my yummy BANANA ? mmmmmmmm so good ?
?? desperate fck you wish
Did you and Jess already break up??
What irritates you the most?
Stupid people
You make me think of two minute noodles. Meet up?
??? for sure mel
Think what you want. It doesn't affect my life in anyway.
Who was your last hookup
Meet up
Maybe if you tell me who you are?
Would you date a girl not your race?
No sorry
You're kinda cute x?
Thanks dm me??
What are you terrible at ?
What do you want for xmas ?
What do you think
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?
Can't choose
Storm please stop with the fireworks my dog is scared
Not my fault
Storme if you don't stop setting off those fcking firecrackers.
So what??
Hey store what if it's catfish ?
What if what's catfish?
hi ? do you have a girl ?
No ?
Let's meet at Origin this Saturday, I'm scared to disappoint you
Message me
Storm you are cute baby
Thanks? message me!
Hot hot hot
Mmmm? thanks??
Your sister is Paige ?
So you are fishing for followers
Why you so determined?
How can you get from 500 followers to 1100 in 2 days
Ever heard of shootouts?
Fishing for followers
Uhm no
Buying followers ?
Note I'm just loved