Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Yeah nah yeah nah
heaps of people
*exiest asian going round, funny as girl and really good to talk too
cant choose just one
julia seem like a real chill girl and she is heaps funny :') tamzyn is verry nice and where do i begin with sedgyfergo (.)(.)
juila torre, tamzyn, sedgyfergo
silk boxers
Its alright
yep ahahahhahaha
aaron,joel,jacob c,lachie,blake and daniel
dont know really and i dont care
heelys and nintendo 64
inbox me it pls
ripsticks <3
amazing! best person for late night calls and just talks about everything, cute funny and atractive ! xx
tbh damo cause ive only met him out of all of them
Costa Virtanen Julia Torre Millie Souter Maddie Heffernan Madelin Bt Adam Mundzic Damo Susanj
dont be nervous and add all of them they are all cool !
i havent met them only met damo but the rest ive only talked to them and what are you on about ?!?! they are really cool people and nah there not weird at all just normal people that enjoy listening to sad boys and drinking arizona :)
really nice bestfriend already and yeah, cute to ! x
i wish ! but i just love yung lean
thats the one
**** *****es eat cerial nigga -domo genises
A girl that likes to ride ripsticks with me
Yeah im pretty lonley i guess
probably staying at home watching movies or having mates around and yeah :)
what hahahahha please go into greater detail
I cant say just inbox, I think I know who this is
A girl, inbox and ill tell you :)
getting baked and eating shapes
Cheers kyle ! :)
Nike, just do it
Im not gay **** ahaha
no **** **** off
What do you mean ?
Pretty good kid funny as havent seen him in a while :)
What do you mean ahaha
Theres a few cant be bothered
Hahhaahahaha :') soo good love questions/statments like this
Maxwell theodore berl beatris patrice denice archamedies remeses tulen is the best kid he makes me want to shower
Cheers man inbox !
school :)
heyy I was sick :/
No f***ing way!! This better not be a joke...if this is really you then thanks soo much, inbox me if its really you? ! :)
No ahahaha
You're and you* calls me a f***** and spells words with the letter u, hahah how old are you like 11 you gay c*nt inbox me if your man enough
There both really nice and really pretty
Umm issy probably
Falls creek, best times snowboarding up there
Hahahahaah :')
Really really nice :)
Sorry i hate these questions, i refuse to do it
Dont know ahaha
Well your annonying for going on annonmys so message me on facebook instead of hiding ahaha
I dont think about that ahahah
Really nice and miss the days when we would see eachother all the time in primary school !!
Inbox me then if im so annoying ahahah
Yeaaahhhh boii, adrian ?? Or louie
nah I fly with quantas
you have bad breath
dont know who was yours
I know people from padua but I dont know wich one they go to ahahah
csnt rember I havent hooked up with anyone for months
im sure yours was too, as soon ad I was born my mum kissed me when she first held me
I think sdumbf is way mor important than vb, vbf got nothin on sdumbf, hahah but she is really nice :)
I like all but im best at snowboad, cant do anything besides turn in sufrboard and skate im not the best at
ceebs naming all but none
id turn gay for miley cryus
blind people dont exsist
Umm id have to go with watching movies with the sound off, yezus is tight but ive always liked mac
Im not selling one
Becase yolo
Really good to talk to and really nice, and atractive
Luke mchugh aka mc CUE
Again, she can do what she wants im not going out with her so i dont mind what she does gees
Inbox me on fb and ill tell you!
Sethpedersen :)
Finnaly a cool question, umm probably frankston because it has everything i love like good ledges a good bowl and good stairsets
Whats true about her
\"Says the **** on annomys\" inbox me on facebook
Who is?
Id make him scream my name leander ;)
Its her life, im not going out with her so she cando what she wants haha i doubt she did but oh well
No she isnt
I dont know, her and pat are perfect though!!
Yeah because she needs a better boyfriend than me
I dont know
I wish
Maby i have maby i havent