Shahn Dielemans
What do you think of holly b and Tahlia a?
they are both incredible and i love them a lot
No i mean my g rents used to take me to church with them
and Sunday School
<3 rachaelgayther
hahahaha i know, you've told me before :')
i actually used to go to church.. rachaelgayther
i've been to a church once
for a funeral
I just sneezed 2 times :P
that's so fantastic
KISS me like you wanna be lovedddd
soz #church
Wanna root haha
no thanks
Look we could punch on?
yeah okay
Animals smokin durrys
the best
You are actually so beaut
aw thank you!
Wen peepll sai u r annoyen, i jus sai
Heye, u jus sht up, U dunno da reel sharn so fk off she a gud chik ok??
IM here<3
um, thank you?
U r a hobose*ual haha
your grammar s*cks :')
best chicks in year 11 rsc?
rach, rach, rach, rach and probs rach
been past hookup?
no coz i <3 church
no one posted anything.
you sure must be feeling the love. :(
dont worry i love you <3
thanks for your concern anon, means a lot
are you religeous
best guys in year 10?
they're all great
best looking guys in year 9?
......... wtf it's year 9
Does the colour orange bring flames to your an**?
oh yeah, absolutely..
Who who who who who?
not sure that it's really anyones business hahahaha
Do you like anyone?
sure do
it is legit.
if you have a problem feel free to inbox me because im extremely confused
do you get pleasure out of trying to bring others down?
or do you do it to make yourself look better than by making others look worse? this legit
you and rachael would be the best 3som
yeah we know
prettiest girls in year 11?
your soul has been purged
fkn purge, wtf, nup, definitely does not cleanse soul, nope, nup, not okay
wanna ride all through the night?
yer ok
hello rachael, i am shahn, nice to meet you
best guys in production?
nat :p
thoughts on that awesome good looking kid Brayden mead ;)
such a loser!
no no, best kid ever, so nice and the best to talk to!
i want to inbox you but im too scared
i honestly wish i had a chance with someone like you :(
sorry but im in love with rachael
the shi* is bananas
b a n a n a s