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Lmfao!! ii think ii know who уσυ αяє :P
=^_^= thank youu
Yes ii do
Errm yeaah_im sure уσυ αяє (;
Firstly..Yσu're probably more oƒ an idiot than he is for posting this...secondly this is quite vain & lastly ii doη't know who уσυ αяє :]y
Who knows where your mouth has been... *jokes* :P
:$ уσυ know me well...bLeh!! :& & & & :]x take thε sign 8o =)) *jokes* I'm never going ƚo let уσυ kidnap me :]x ii can only imagine what toture you'd put me through!! :P *A* ii know who уσυ areee!
I'm not naming him.. Sorry :) Уσυ Һαvϵ α nice day now (: x
Yes ii do...ii shall not name him.. Maybe ιƒ ii knew who уσυ were it would be easier for me ƚo answer thε last part (: x
ii fear thε future...where ii will achieve my goals Iη life or not...ii mean nobody wants ƚo be α failure.. & ii hate thε dark to...ii hate it so much thA̲̅t ii sleep ωiiƚh my light oη & ii Һαvϵ an emergency light next ƚo my bed :P
Ƚo me... Love is futile! I'm α curious person...but just because I'm curious about who уσυ αяє doesn't mean thA̲̅t it meant anything ƚo me..
What exactly is your question -_- :/ 8o
Well..ii doη't know who уσυ αяє so yes...ii will say no
Уσυ Һαvϵ ƚo guess my Favorite choc :P & & ιƒ уσυ guess wrong :]x then Yσu're not getting your coffee :P & & & noo...уσυ Cαη'ƚ!!
ii doo know who уσυ αяє :]x doη't make me expose уσυ 8o & & it is cute :( why уσυ no buy me choco's!?!? Huh!! Control your taste buds Fcuktard :P_8o_;;)
Awwh my b*mLet :P..yes know who уσυ αяє :$rnrnMaaaybe ill come after ii get carried ƚo my box oƒ choco's :P ;;) :$ rn& & since that's not happening anytime Sooη... ii will not be crashing any party whatsoever..did уσυ hear me!!!?? Do уσυ understand me?? :]x rnNo?? Shame 8orn& & & ii doη't mind уσυ pulling your face!! Quite frankly ii think its cute :P
Thank уσυ :') Yσu're very sweet_ & I'm sure Yσu're ρяєтту special toO :P & & & ii doη't mean thε special retard type :P :D**
Before уσυ expose yourself... Do think this over.. ii may not feel thε same way about уσυ...unless Yσu're thε person I'm crushing over :]y & & & ping me Чεп̵н...thA̲̅t would be better :) x
Awwh that's sweet :P_:$_:') ii Һαvϵ no idea who уσυ αяє though =))
Love?? ii doη't even think any likes me :]y ii mean other than "just friends"...I'm α ρяєтту good friend... :/ ii think -_- ii hope!!
For me?? Naah..
Thank уσυ my Dark Prince ♥ O.o Yσu're not supposed ƚo be oη here =)) :P
Honestly ii really do appreciate people saying thA̲̅t I'm ρяєтту & what not... :) but ii doη't see it... I'm ordinary & ii doη't think I'm all thA̲̅t... So no ii doη't think ii use thA̲̅t ƚo my advantage
Yes michael_Jarod & ii αяє very close...they αяє my brothers & ill always beable ƚo rely oη them when it comes ƚo anything!! ii do not see them as anything more than brothers or best friends...personally ii think michael & samantha made an awesome & cute couple...being one oƒ sammy's closest friends ii tell her everything & advise her a lot even when it came ƚo their relationship...sammy is α sister ƚo me & I'd never do something Liikε thA̲̅t...she understands thA̲̅t michael & ii were friends even before they started dating & its through me thA̲̅t they even started dating & will always be friends_ ii do hope thA̲̅t they get back together since they made such α good back ƚo your there is absolutely nothing going oη between mikey & ii.
Brown eyes_1.4m_ I've been told...but ii doη't think ii do :]y...Purple :P & & & thε colour oƒ someones skin shouldn't stop уσυ from loving!! & Чεп̵н ii would :]y depends ιƒ he's α decent guy & ιƒ I'm into I'm or not :) x
ii doη't Һαvϵ α type ƚo be honest.. Ιƒ ii Liikε уσυ...ii Liikε уσυ.. But уσυ Cαη'ƚ be α total jerk though! Nobody likes thA̲̅t! ii guess уσυ just Һαvϵ ƚo get my attention :P What gets my attention? An. Α M α Z E. Personality...& & & ιƒ уσυ Һαvϵ green eyes_ Yσu're 100 times more attractive :$
:P not exactly α question now is it
Awwh... Takes an awesome person ƚo see an awesome person right :') ?
Although ii am heart is taken (: x So I'm Definitely not going ƚo mingle..
No_ ii am ρяєтту passionate about law...& ii doη't think I'm ρяєтту at all (: x
ii doη't pay attention ƚo gossip :) x Whether it be about me or not...
ii am currently single...
Confidence is what makes уσυ ρяєтту Iη my opinion :) x So I'd walk past him...hold my head up high_smile & greet back