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Shania Vella


ask me everything and anything

2.2k Replies

A body part you think you could do without ?


shaniavella replied 3397 days ago

What's your favourite word or phrase ?


shaniavella replied 3401 days ago

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?

Most until year 11&12

shaniavella replied 3409 days ago

A memory you want to forget ?

ALOT of them

shaniavella replied 3412 days ago

What is your nickname ?

noo, shazz, shanny, nini All gay

shaniavella replied 3416 days ago

Dream holiday destination ?

Hawaii or back to NZ I miss my whanau

shaniavella replied 3419 days ago

What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?

Life lessons

shaniavella replied 3421 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

Honestly dont know, there's heaps!

shaniavella replied 3425 days ago

you think your king of the kids always getting involved lol fucck off

I don't have any kids hahahaha you're a loser, message me with your name in it you *****

shaniavella replied 3425 days ago

What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?

The relationship that I have. I'm so glad it didn't work out with anyone else cause my boyfriend is all I ever wanted

shaniavella replied 3427 days ago 3

What are you allergic to?


shaniavella replied 3432 days ago

Why you and tori block me on Insta (domniqueeee) :/

because we don't know who you are & where you popped up from. how you even know us or how you know we know eachother. how'd you even find this

shaniavella replied 3456 days ago 2

thoughtss? rubylowe

little sis, babe and a half, love you

shaniavella replied 3461 days ago 1

thoughtss? Jessie.ball

you'll always be my little sister, do anything for you. I love you xx

shaniavella replied 3461 days ago 1

thoughts? x kiera.margrain

Love you way too much xx Have your back always

shaniavella replied 3461 days ago 1