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Shannon Wilkinson


Amuse me :*

663 Replies

Have you slept with Neal Gunn?

Nooo Neals like family!

shankrystal replied 3147 days ago

You know zach still loves Chloe right? Don't get too excited

Thanks sweetie

shankrystal replied 3154 days ago

So Chloe was a dog and slept with your ex and whatever and your now talking to Chloe's ex Zach hahaha I love it!!!

Knew this was coming. HAHAH. Chloe and I were friend when she went behind my back and slept with Tom straight after we broke up and then lied straight to my face about it. TWO years later Chloe and I aren't friends, would be completely different story if we were friends and I started talking to him straight after they broke up but it was about 3 or 4 months. If you want to judge me for it go ahead, I'm actually happy for I really couldn't give two f*cks what you think ☺️??

shankrystal replied 3154 days ago

You said you don't have a type of guy, but surely something about a guy must grab your attention? Is there a defining quality you look for or is it physical appearance that makes or breaks the deal early on?

Just their personality; sense of humour, loving, kindhearted. Physical appearance has never bothered me. If you treat me right and make me happy everything's fine ?

shankrystal replied 3167 days ago

I would love to see you with nothing on

Get in line ?

shankrystal replied 3167 days ago 1

Fave position?

To sleep most likely on my right side ??

shankrystal replied 3168 days ago

Who's Katie? What happened to Kelsey? I legit haven't heard about her in ages

Katie Humpage,
You and me both pal

shankrystal replied 3168 days ago

And bend you over a table.. Sorry you're just a total cutie

Hahahah! Thanks for the cutie complement ??

shankrystal replied 3168 days ago

I kinda really want to kiss you and stuff..


shankrystal replied 3168 days ago

Why you gotta be so cute? Can be quite distracting at times!

Aw thanks :)

shankrystal replied 3170 days ago

What's the type of guy you'd go for?

I never actually have a type. If a guy treats me right, makes me laugh and smile I'd definitely go for him.

shankrystal replied 3171 days ago

Why do you even talk to Katie? All she does is use people, she will treat you like a toy, use you for a bit and then when she gets over you she'll throw you away.

F*ck off. Katie is my best friend and I love her to death, I'd do anything for her. Just because she through you away (obviously because you're a nutcase) doesn't mean she would do the same to me. I love her and that's all that counts to me

shankrystal replied 3171 days ago

Would you chat with someone in a relationship from another country then?

Still no

shankrystal replied 3171 days ago

Would you chat with someone in a relationship?

If I'm just friends with them than yes I would chat to them. But if I'm not friends with them or have no intentions of just being friends than no I wouldn't chat to them

shankrystal replied 3171 days ago

Gurl what size are your boo*s? Plz tell mi

Already answered this question mate, A cup

shankrystal replied 3171 days ago