Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
bored. That's why I'm here. Also, sick
yeah. Of course. My year has been awesome
A steak covered in melted cheese
I've seen one movie this year. It was good. 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' ya'll!!!!!!
I tell them they have bad breath and then they become incredibly self-conscious and they don't breathe around me anymore. I mean, they still breathe, but not towards me. I'm not just killing people by embarrassing them out of taking in air. But yeah, I tell it like it is.
myself. For joining this godforsaken site...and y'know, for other things.....
what? Don't leave me in suspense. Which word is it? It's 4 letters, so that narrows it down slightly. I'm assuming that you're not swearing in exasperation and saying F-uck or S-hit, so I'm going to take a guess that you are in fact calling me a C-unt. Am I correct?
like everyone I've had a crush on had been a friend
my personality :P
lol 6
HAHAHAHAAHA! I argue with everyone! Also, we're repainting the living room, which brings out the worst in my already angry family. So I'm actually arguing as I write this. My sister is busy coming up with a retort and I can afford to have an argument break because I can predict what her next argument will be and I already have my rebuttal ready.
Have you seen me act though? I think it's ok. But y'know, if you have some constructive criticism, I'd love to hear it. Also, where have you seen me act? I'm interested to know. This better not be a Travis question because then I know you're just screwing around and you're not going to give me anything....
I'm studying Professional Writing and Editing at Swinburne (Hawthorn). It's only a certificate, so I would like to either transfer to Screenwriting at RMIT or Drama at Deakin.
So I can either get into a more specific course that leads somewhere or I can get into a different course that leads somewhere. See next question.
uni. Want to transfer to a different course though. Thanks for asking!
One time in English we were asked to pass a piece of paper around the room and people would write what they thought of us on it. I got 'funny' and 'sadistic' so many times that I was wearing such a massive grin. It was a great. If you can find an creative and honest insult, I'll most likely treat it as a compliment as well because you took the time to come up with a unique insult for me.
no. I am an incredible RACIST when it comes to how I speak. I like putting people of different colour into neat categories because I know how much people hate it. Also, I'm fine with it because really, those stereotypes and the hateful and spiteful context behind racist slurs has mostly faded and it's not like I'm saying it aggressively. Also, not a fan at all of using the word '******'. I think you have to be black to earn that right. Even Eminem hardly uses the word '******' and I respect him for it. Also because he's a lyrical genius, but I'm getting off track again. But no, I am not in any way *exist. Gay jokes annoy me because they're used to offend people (as if gay means being an imbecile or something). *ex jokes annoy me. The male attitude towards women and *ex makes me want to drive a hole through their eyes, put a jumper cable in the gaping hole, attach it to an optic nerve and then attach it to a massive source of electricity and just let them fizzle out. Going off track again....I believe in equal *exes, but don't mistake me for a feminazi or even someone who will defend a women no matter what. My equalist views suggest that if a woman kills someone, they get the same punishment as a man. My views suggest that I will call out someone if they do something wrong, no matter what their gender is. Sorry about the long response. It's an awful habit of mine. Thanks for the lovely question by the way.
Thank you anonymous. You too, are awesome.
Please just message me if you want to know. I'd like to talk about it with you. I mean, I'm guessing it's you....anyway, what I said about not trying, now that I think about it, it's not REALLY accurate. It's more shunning me. This person is the only person that can actually offend me. Something about them. They can make me so incredibly happy, angry or sad. They can control emotions that I don't normally divulge in large amounts like normal people do. That prospect that there is someone out there that can break through all my defenses and could very well make me into nothing scares me, but I'm still drawn to them. I don't understand concepts like love because I don't understand how someone could keep being devoted to one thing, but I think I have a taste of it and it hurts. That's not supposed to happen. I'm supposed to be able to survive. Like, I think my life is great. I love life. Life makes me happy. I am always happy, but all that greatness and happiness becomes so trivial when I realise that there is some force keeping me away from this person. It all unravels and I just feel so spoiled. Like, I can have everything but one thing if I wanted to, but I still want that one thing. Imagine that. Now, imagine that the thing is the only thing in the world that could break you down to nothing. It's like I'm craving pain and death, but I'm not. I'm craving happiness. It's a tricky business. Like, I want them to be happy and I'm happy, but then I see a picture of them with someone else (like this morning) and they seem so happy and I know that what I crave in them and only them, they can find in anyone else. It's quite disheartening, but that's life I guess. I guess I'll just move on like it's all good and enjoy all the happiness I can have, forgetting completely about the one thing I can't. Anyway, typing all that has made me feel better. Thanks. I would delete it now that I'm feeling better, but I have a policy to answer all questions on Qoohme. Bye bye!
what other person? This doesn't make any sense. I am going through a bit of trouble with another person and it's quite bad. I guess they could try more.
I envy nobody. I have exactly what I need. To an insufferable misanthropic narcissist like me, I am the best I could want. I would not want to be anyone else. I may want certain qualities, but I can create those qualities myself. I don't need to needlessly pine after the qualities of other people. That's such a waste of time when I could be using that time to focus on myself.
Uni. Gatherings every now and again. I'd like to see a few people that I haven't seen in a while. I'm planning something, but it's about a month away
I'm always happy in the present, so 18. I attractive? Because I'd probably just flirt with a bunch of people
oooooh. This won't work, because it'll probably bleep out. Basically, my favourite phrase or word would have to be something offensive or rude.
I just ship people in relationships. I really have no ships for real people that aren't together. I really only started shipping late last year on a whim to see just why it was so appealing with fictional characters and then this year I got really invested in one in Community, which is now officially my favourite show. It's so amazing. But no, no ships this year so far. Also, to be fair, I don't really know as many people and what's happening with everyone since last year. But if you want ONE example, then I'll choose the relationship one I've always said. Graeme and Mal.
I don't want to forget anything. My memories make me who I am. If I forget my mistakes, I'm liable to make them again because I'm basically the same person as I was before the mistake. If, for example, I forget something traumatic from my childhood (can't come up with an example at this point), then I forget what that event did to me. I forget how it changed me and all my actions will change and I will become someone new and possibly a lot worse than I am. You have to accept what life gives you, roll with the punches and always remember what made you you. To attempt to change that is just weak.
It's generally 'Shandog'. In primary school, it was 'Shan-Shan'. I'm called Shan by a good few people. Alanna calls me that as well as Shancat (which Kannan and Luke have now decided to take on). Merrill usually just calls me '****' (and Millzy does as well sometimes). Cappy calls me 'Shandizzle'. Stephen calls me 'Kook-Chun'. Matt calls me '**** lord'. I think that's it. I prefer Shandog, Shan, **** and Shancat as they're not THAT specific to one person, although I only really like Shandog as a general nickname.
A life skills class would be awesome as. Basic life skills are covered, but not to the point that they're unnecessary like in Math. I don't know really.
Every day is perfect to me. There is never anything to improve. I'm always content. Depending on my mood, a perfect day can mean different things
No. I'm not strong enough yet. I never will be. Those who seek strength will never be strong enough. There's always more to strive for. Strength is infinite.
Emotion is always weakness if in extremes. Extreme happiness leads to unconstrained ecstasy, which leaves one susceptible to manipulation and being taken advantage of. Extreme anger leads to unbridled rage and that leads to loss of control and thus weakness. Extreme sadness leads to a state of depression in which one is susceptible to the commands of others because they themselves have become so apathetic that they don't care what they do or whether they live or die. Extreme bouts of love can lead to infatuation which basically makes you a slave to someone else and the fact that you are under their boot and jump and run to them if they call makes you weak. So we can all agree that emotion in extremes is most definitely weakness, right? Now let's move to MY point of view. I personally think that showing emotion through tears is weak, but that doesn't mean that I won't help someone who is crying, but if it's for something petty, I will feel reluctant and I may not even help. I personally don't like showing emotion, but that doesn't mean I don't have it. I'm almost always angry at something, but that's because I'm the best in an angry state (you may call me Brown Hulk if you want :P). I'm hardly sad, but if I am, I'll rarely show it. I'm almost always happy about life, but that's because I don't believe in always being down and respecting what you have. I'm really against love at all, because in any level of extremity, it makes one weak, so I try to stray away from that and I keep that at a level of 'liking' because everyone knows that lovestruck people are annoying and I don't wish to be annoying without being fully aware of it. Anyway, have a lovely day. Thanks for the awesome question. Don't stop showing emotions because I said it's weak. I know I don't have any power over you, but it's always good to remind myself and you. Just TRY not to get all worked up about petty things. Focus on the good. To quote the great Eric Idle: "Always look on the bright side of life"
Prepare yourselves. Nuts, animal hair (horse hair really, but cats and sometimes dogs have been known to give me a reaction), smoke, dust and blankets. I think that's it....maybe......
seeing where I could go for industry experience. Was very interesting. My first kiss was new and therefore interesting.
No actually. I've been more into tv shows, reading and writing recently. I got addicted to 'Community' as I'm sure I've probably told you about. Watched a really poignant show called '7 Deadly Sins' which wasn't really entertaining, but it was an interesting take on humanity. It's very short, but it's kind of sick. Mockumentary. Been watching 'Arrow' and 'Flash' as well, but I'm getting off track. My guilty pleasure is watching comedy films that I feel I wouldn't like because of the humour, but I watch anyway and see if I enjoy. Usually I do slightly enjoy it. 'We're the Millers' is one and I recently watched both 'Jump Street's and both 'Horribble Bosses'. Jump Street was a while ago, but Horrible Bosses was the other day. It's quite good and I actually sort of like that actor now. Don't know his name. I'm sure there will be some good stuff this year though. The usual superhero movies (2 Marvels and a Fox, which I feel will defy expectations) ,Jurassic World, I might bring myself to watch one of the Kevin Hart movies coming out, 'Absolutely Anything' looks good and there's another with the dude from Horrible Bosses (Bateman or something?) with Alison Brie (who i absolutely adore on Community) and it's a romcom. Looks good. Don't remember what it's called. Don't get the big deal with '50 Shades'. Looks like glorified BDSM. Still can't understand why it's a Valentine's Day film. I was going to double date, but I dodged that bullet. This is a lot longer than i wanted it to be. The answer is Horrible Bosses 1 & 2. Sorry again guys and girls! Have a lovely day unless you're into ****e days, in which case, have a ****e day!
Aw thanks. I just don't really get many interesting questions anymore. I pride myself on the fact that I answer every question I get sent, but a lot of them are just repeat questions, which slightly bores me. But it IS fun when I get interesting stuff.
I don't cry. Last time was about 11 years ago.
yes it is. If she forces herself upon him then yeah.
Don't know. Both would probably be something by 'Bowling for Soup'. Probably.
......rather odd questions..............Can't be effed checking
You wouldn't want to know half the stuff I think about, let alone dream about..
I don't know. I had a group, but I don't know. I just want to get closer with people who I'm already close with or who make an effort. I've got a few people who, when it comes down to their core qualities, make up one part of who I am and all together they might make the monster known as Shannon McShortall. :P Happy New Year week *****es!
I don't bloody know. I knew this question was coming but I couldn't be effed thinking about it.
I feel like this is a scam and if I answer, I'll get robbed and if anyone touches my chocolate, they will regret their birth
I like playing this game where people find out from me randomly bringing it up in conversation but basically everyone already knows......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Steph......................................................................................................................................thanks for ruining the game, anon.
what? which mineral is this? I like hate.I just do. In answer to the mineral thing, yes I guess. I don't know what to say. You've really confused me. Am I supposed to know? Is it diamonds? Basically, I really enjoy hate.
I'd like to say yes, but I refer to girls fairly often as 'chick', but that's more a personal choice and just a word I like to use. It's not meant in a misogynistic or insulting way. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm waaaay too feminist to be male.:P I'm not feminist. I just wanted to make that male joke. But seriously, I am equalist and proud of it. Also, I feel like 'bird' can only be taken in a misogynistic way, so yes I think it is rude.
I don't know. Fine I'd say. She always is. I swear she never has anything wrong with her. I know if you wanted to know about her though, you would have asked her, but what you want to know is how my relationship is going (either that or you were bored and couldn't think of what to say, so you asked about recent events to compensate for your lack of a question) and so I will answer. Yes, my relationship is going swell. Thank you for asking.
I know "eye" would. eh? eh? eh? I've been chilling with Steph too much......I guess you could say I've become her "pupil". eh? eh? eh? Yeah, sorry. These are so corny. But I guess they could get cornea,so count yourself lucky.
yes. I would like that. I dine on eye tonight.
In the words of Mark Zuckerberg, "it's complicated".
In 2015 I want to see more people and do more things with them. Also, I would like to pursue my dreams and interests.Good question.
oh....thank you. This was oddly charming. I'm not sure how to respond. Um...... Thank you again. Merry Christmas.
a good few people. Mum, Ella, Tristan, Millzy, River, Cappy, Tab, Steph, Brad, Stephen, Thomas, Theo, Bec, Travis, Monty because she means so much to River, Nikki, Matt, Markus, Paige, Mal, Graeme, Bryce, Shana, Bramble, both Lukes, Brooke, the Crofts, the Deegans, Alanna, Shae, Jordan, Jared, Damian, Michaela, Dino...I could go on, but the list would be long. Basically, anyone who deserves to live. If it was my life, then it might be a little less, but it's a bullet and I feel like I could do that for more people.
well that's good :)
I was teasing you, but the thing was good right? Yeah, I know you're desperate. You're a greater guy. I'm kidding. I'm greater.
as much as I love this, this isn't a question. This is a factual statement and a boring one at that. Could you go into more description please? Also clarify if you meant d.ick, f.uck, c.unt or something else please, otherwise my response won't be accurate. So hopefully you see this and send me another. Also, is there a particular reason WHY I'm a ****/****/****? Or is this just words? Do tell me what you don't like about me so I can make it more prominent. Thank you. Love ya'll.
no matter. It's a good thing anyway.
basically, a bunch of people hated on me for something which was a mistake because I'm quite the ****-up. I always have been. I always will be. Talking about it makes people angry and it hurts a particular person, so I don't talk about it.
Eternal life. Reaching 25 and becoming an immortal, ageless being would be my absolute dream.
did you mean 'and'? Yup. Now I definitely know this is about me in some way. This was my favourite song when that whole debacle was going down a year ago. You know the one. Yeah, this was my song. Actually, Ella was playing it full-blast about an hour ago. But yeah, it's not a dirty little secret. It's a secret that will be out soon, just not to certain audiences.
You know I have heard this right? Is this a message to me about my recent decisions? I promise I can deal with this if I get hurt. Thanks for caring. If not, then thanks for randomly linking me a song, or is this about you? Some random **** is going down right now
Nothing. I miss nothing. I don't like 'child' me and i try my best to forget about him. I miss nothing.
I'm Indian. I was raised on that ****. Yeah, i do. To a point. Certain parts of the theory are slightly sketchy.
Can i please stop getting this question? Can you just ask 'what makes such-and-such weak?' or 'is this thing considered weak?' because this question is very broad. Sorry.
This question is funny for a number of reasons that i'm not allowed to discuss.
Beautiful. Your words are poignant to me. You make my soul happy.
No. I have no limits. I'll probably die soon. There are so many factors working against me. Give me 20 years. I'll be dead. But no, i don't fear my lack of fear.
*is it not. *in turn. Yeah, it's not that I don't know my weaknesses, it's that I know my strengths and i know that i can make everything into a strength.
Being weak. Weakness is different for different people. For me, it's a mantra that i constantly have running in my head. It's very long and boring for people and INCREDIBLY personal. There's stuff in it that i don't like talking about.
With a bang
Weakness is the bane of this world. I will do everything in my power to smite it. It doesn't deserve to share the world with me. I've been feeling it creeping in around me recently and i have to get rid of it soon or it'll take me over and make me weak and emotional and ****e.
Nothing. I don't fear anything. I know that sounds like me attempting to be macho, but unfortuantely it's true. Fear is an emotion i don't have. I'm sure something could happen like someone i depend on dying, but i don't know if that would affect me in a fearful way. I guess i could say i'm scared of not being remembered and just being a loveless nobody who didn't change the world, but i know i will, whether it be bad or good for the world. I will change it. So yeah, i fear nothing. I will commend someone who can find me a fear so i can seem normal
Whatever is comfortable. I don't really care about fashion. A friend of mine is teaching me by telling me whenever I have something that doesn't suit something else that I'm wearing. I've found a few looks that she says are 'good'.
Sometimes I look at questions and think 'how are you even my facebook friend and don't know this about me?'. This is one of those questions. How can you not be intrigued with it? It's fascinating. There's so much to be fascinated about (too much to write here, but ask yourself questions like 'where do we go after?' and 'why do we go?' as well as considering how easy it is to take life away) but for a start, try watching it happen in real life. It's an experience you will not want to miss. There's a sort of beauty in watching life seep out of someone and watch death slowly take over the body. Maybe it's because I find beauty in a lot of things and it's just me, but it's truly beautiful and I truly believe everyone will feel that same sense of beauty as the cold chill of death enters a room. After a while, you start to feel it on others and living in Chelsea, where the population is majorly the old, it's almost as if death is stalking the streets and it's so beautiful that it might even bring a tear to my eye, but I'm not the eye-wetting type as everyone knows, but then again, you asked this question, so maybe you don't know. Basically, I don't cry. I will not lower myself to cry ever. If my eyes are even slightly wet, it's because someone has been chopping onions or I was splashed. To sum it up, yes. Death intrigues me. Good night lovely and may death stalk your neighbourhood sometime soon. People need to see the beauty of this world and not just see life as unfair and live life like a flock of entitled and weak birds that fly away from their duties in chaos whenever there's a slight upset in the balance that they precariously set themselves. :)
death. Turns me off forever.
legitimately? Forever. There's so much to discover and I want to see how the world changes.
heh. I think everyone knows the answer to that question, or at least have a sort of idea of it. Also, I liked chilling with Nikki, Ella, Jordan and Travis at the very end of the night into the early morning at about 2.
I swear I just answered a daily question like this a week ago
That's the plan. There's a lot more significance to those 3 words than you think. Only one person will get that.
Wait.....not sure what EXACTLY you found out. I don't cry or really feel much sadness, especially for fictional work, so I don't know. Just keep crying?
what do you mean by "suicide suits" me? Like, am I suited to talk about it? Am I suited to force others to do it? Surely you're not suggesting that I do it myself are you? I mean, I love life. Also, suicide is for the weak. I really didn't want to bring that rather extremist view up on Qoohme, but you brought it up. Suicide is for the weak. I have no respect for the weak...and don't get all ****ing "YOu just don't know what it feels like to want to do that" or "you don't know people who have done that". Well, if you know me then you know I have felt down enough that that would be an option, but I didn't push even slightly into that boundary because I didn't want to be weak and most of my best friends know that know people who have done it and know people who have considered it/ do consider it. But trust me, I have no respect for those that are gone. I want to help those that are going off the rails, but there's no point trying to stop a crashed train. Plus, I don't really care much for human life. If you're dead you're dead. That's it. No need to make such a big fuss and get all ****ing depressed about it. ****in grow up, deal with your ****ing problems and don't ****ing come complain to me that I'm ****ing heartless because I don't give a single shi.te about someone who made their own decision to off themselves. That's also why I ****ing hate suicide worshippers, especially those ****ing Amanda Todd sympathisers/worshippers. They ****ing make me sick. ****ing sheep is what they are. Have you actually seen that narcissistic attention-seeking c.untwad's video? It's ****ing laughable. I ****ing cracked a smile, but only a small one. That's right. She wasn't even worth my ****ing laughter. Sorry I have such an extremist and brutal view. I don't want to change it and I know it offends whenever I bring it up. Not sure what this question was supposed to be, whether it be an insult (?) or some sort of an inside joke where you mock my extremist view. Either way, if you're trying to find something that offends me, you've pressed the wrong button. I can't be offended by insults although I must congratulate you. It's a good one. Can I use it? Just send me another question giving me permission to. Like, just say 'yeah it's ok'. Thanks. Love you. :P
I don't. I love a lot of things. I don't underestimate that, but this isn't a question. This is a statement. A statement with an emoticon. It's like 2'o'clock in the morning. What am I even doing?
I'm a dog. Woof woof mother***** (that's what dogs say)
I don't know. I don't rank my actions. I just do. Plus, how do I know if it's the best. I could cure them from a horrid disease or save them from suicide and they could think of it in the exact same way as if I told someone with incredibly low self-esteem that they looked handsome (or beautiful. Yay equality!) so I can't say for sure. Sorry. Even if I think I changed someone's life, I may just be a footnote in their life that they barely remember.
Is it sad that I don't remember? I guess my mum for raising me and helping me out. I guess my father for inadvertently creating a major part of my dogma. Millzy and River for standing by my side during that whole shenanigan a while back Yes other people did, but they were vocal about it and were right there. Cappy for teaching me about reining in my emotions by talking me down this one time. Brooke for helping me discover myself. I don't know
My own head. It's full of awesome things.I also like the beach during summer and the city at night. It's so beautiful. Hawaii, New York and Ireland are awesome, with Hawaii being the best.
I love 'Bad meets Evil'. Yup. Just hop in the car of life and speed off, never taking your foot off the pedal. Whoever you are, you have good music taste and I wish to chill with you also.
boner style torture. It's more painful and it makes dying more fun. If I was going to die by anything, it'd be the most painful option. Pain exhilarates, so I hate it when people going around cutting themselves and complaining that they need help and then people saying it's a cry for help, but at the same time they say that it relieves them. No, a strong quality and a weak one can't mix.
hello Travis. Yes, you are 100% Travis. Is it a tiny cactus? Tiny cactus I'd just eat. There's a surprising lack of holes a cactus could fit in. The an** is the only one that'd be able to take one of the bigger ones. So, in terms of the generic cactus, I'd say 'the an**'
Not a clue EXACTLY where. I'd prefer screen to theatre because it's easier to get work because people can easily refer to it for reference when looking for people to choose for roles. But when it comes down to it, I don't really care as long as I get to act. I love acting. How boring is just being one person with one set of values?
Acting/writing. I would get into Psychology or law enforcement, but I'm far too corrupt. The army would be a final option, but I'd have to train heaps to even consider it. covers count? aaaaand that's 80% of their work :P. Probably won't be very accurate after the first 2. 11 might equal 3. Be aware, a lot of stuff on this list will be even with stuff I place at 30. 1.High School Never Ends (classic and my first BFS song that I knew was by them), 2. 99 Biker Friends, 3. BFFF (don't know why. Haven't even heard it in like a year), 4. Kevin Weaver (It's really emotional and angry at about halfway through), 5. Real, 6.I'm Gay, 7. Here's your freakin' song, 8. Self-Centred (it's my theme song!!!), 9.Today is gonna be a great day (PHINEAS AND FERB!!!), 10. She's got a boyfriend now (It relates to a lot of people I know and it always has), 11. Critically Disdained (at this point, I sort of want to just say 'Lunch.Drunk.Love'...), but there are so many other that I just couldn't think of, like 'Award Show Taylor Swift', 'Since we broke up', 'My wena' and 'I am waking up today', among many others. Oh wow. Just reading the "doesn't have to be in order" thing now. Oh well, my disclaimer ended up being correct anyway.
Ok. Let's go through this slowly because I feel like you're slightly misinformed, but only slightly. 1.I say it because I mean it, 2.Nothing offends me. There's nothing there to offend. 3. No I don't take some seriously. I take NOTHING seriously and yes, that is a serious flaw in me. Am I going to change that? No. I can't be screwed honestly. Plus, why would I change because of what someone says? 4. Yes. I am going to die alone, at least romantically. I really don't think I'll end up with anyone, but I'll have my friends. Unless they all die first, in which case, you win anonymous person. 5. Well, people do like me. Don't quite understand it. Unless you meant like as in attraction in which case, maybe. "It's complicated" as Mark Zuckerburg would say. 6. Hey, they might in the future. You never know. 7.Yee-up. I do **** everything up. That's why there is a lot of people that dislike me, like you. 8. Yup....I'm incredibly arrogant, in public. Really, I question my capabilities a lot. But I guess we'll just arrogant for the sake of argument because I act it. 9. 'Self-centred' is the absolute best word to describe me. Although I prefer 'narcissist' or 'traitor', but hey whatever suits your fancy (you already know. I'm in the fast lane....). I have been nice to people though and when I get invested in someone or something like someone else's relationship, whether it be me wanting to help someone or me wanting to psychologically destroy someone or a couple, I get REALLY INVESTED and I devote a lot of my time to it. Thank you for the question though. Wasn't really a question, but I thoroughly enjoyed it anyway. No, I'm not pretending I enjoy it to pass it off and really I'm crying, because that'd be lying and also, I don't cry. Crying is for the weak. But seriously, thanks. Best school leaving present I could've wished for. Love you. Please send more. Have a great night. Also, if I've done anything to offend you, feel free to bring it up and I promise you I won't apologise and be nice about it all. But seriously, keep 'em coming. I have nothing to do now that school is finished.
Whomever said that is a liar and their head shall be put in a guillotine. After their head is chopped off, I will scoop out the insides and use them to make a curry pie.
*best. Don't think I'm allowed to say. Plus, it's hard to choose. Basically, if I dislike them, I think they're a ****. Although there are some ****s that I like, like my best friends or myself, so I guess if we're talking about ****s, I might say myself, Millzy, Markus, Merrill, Jordan, Dino or Jai. But I've actually been specifically warned not to voice my hate on some people, so I'm sorry but I can't answer this validly and honestly. Sorry. Have a nice day anyway and may your cun.ting life be awesome. Happy swearing ya'll ****ing ************s
1. If it was anon, I would've answered it, but it relates to something that is a direct attack on me by a specific person. She asked me not to answer it. But I keep it around because insults on me crack me up, so whenever I feel down I look at it and think 'wow. Somebody dislikes me. The world is perfect'
It's my jam. It's just a word. It's a collection of letters that form something which sounds unpleasant and harsh. It just means 'v*****' and that's just a body part. I like to use it sparingly so that it's impact is heightened, but I have no problem with it. I use it as an insult, not in it's actual sense of being a v*****. Just because it doesn't roll off my tongue. There are probably 3 words that I have a minor problem using because they're derogatory terms for people who have undergone suffering and they don't deserve that. The words are 'f*****', 'retard' and '******'. The word 'dad' doesn't roll off my tongue either. It's an odd syllable. If I'm doing an American accent, I can do it. But yeah, **** is a great word. It's so harsh and brutal and that covers the fact that it's really the female equivalent of '****'. I love words and it's one of my favourites. It's the pinnacle of swearing and the absolute climax of any expletive-filled rant. There's a hidden beauty to the word in that it hides away and when it comes out, it offends most people. It has a shock value to it and anyone who has heard my "jokes" (you know what I'm talking about) knows that I like to shock. You should watch 'The Thick of it' or 'In the Loop'. They use the word at about the same level as I do. Plus, using the word defines me as someone who has no limits, which I don't. Also, I'm Irish. I overuse it with Merrill and Millzy but that's because Merrill and I have this habit of using nouns and then saying '****' or using '****' as an adjective or verb. Also, it's necessary a lot. In the words of Alex Williamson "If I can call a spade a spade, why can't I call I **** a ****? Because 95% of the time a **** needs to be told they're being a ****". People need to know.It'd be awkward at this point after writing this essay that you meant to say 'C.R.A.P' or some ****e like that. All in all, it's a great ****ing word. I'll leave you with a quote by the great Malcolm Tucker: "If some **** can **** something up, that **** will pick the worst possible time to ****ing **** it up cause that ****'s a ****.". Count the ****ing asterisks.
um.....i don't? Imagine binding yourself to one person....for LIFE. I've never been in a relationship so I don't know what it's like, but I probably wouldn't want to be married. I'm out for my, myself and I. I love my friends and I treasure them and want to be with some of them for the rest of my life,but there's no commitment there and I just don't think I'd work with another person being part of me as a unit. Plus this question makes no sense for me because I don't ever plan anything. As I write this I don't know what will happen by the time I reach the next word.