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Shantay Virtue


just ask

150 Replies

You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?

buy a house

shantayvirtue replied 3017 days ago

What does your name mean ?

virtue means moral excellence and goodness. dunno bout my first name lol

shantayvirtue replied 3028 days ago

I wanna kiss your lips. The ones between the hips.

love it hahahaha

shantayvirtue replied 3028 days ago

You're only les because every guy would reject your ugly A$$ lmao

I'm "les" because I'm not attracted to guys. i couldn't give a fook, males are gross lmao

shantayvirtue replied 3028 days ago

Most hated/loved person


shantayvirtue replied 3034 days ago

Would you ever kill someone?

I've thought about it

shantayvirtue replied 3034 days ago

Yuk you disgust me with your revolting ways oh yuk

why do you keep me on Facebook then weakkkk bishh lmao

shantayvirtue replied 3034 days ago

Would you ever sleep with a guy


shantayvirtue replied 3034 days ago

What happened with you and Izzy?

too much to explain

shantayvirtue replied 3034 days ago

What or who , do you think about the most ?

man too much haha

shantayvirtue replied 3034 days ago

What makes you instantly hate someone?

rudeness, lies, someone who thinks they are better than everyone, stand overs, all dat shiz

shantayvirtue replied 3042 days ago

What are you tired of seeing on social networks?

whiney lil hoez

shantayvirtue replied 3088 days ago

Who would you die for

mum stevie and my dog

shantayvirtue replied 3088 days ago

Ever slept with a guy?


shantayvirtue replied 3114 days ago

Whats one wish of yours

more wishes

shantayvirtue replied 3114 days ago