Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
great person, but im not in her good books with her atm, and i probably never will be
if only i could tell her without her thinking im lying......
Closest friend, a brother to me
My nigga, really nice, good to have a joke with, has no swag, CB's better than Wiz
Thanks but that was a month ago, I'm not gonna do much since it's been ages and tbh I forgot until you reminded me lol. Inbox me though whoever you are yeh :)
Julius and Jack
Starting from the bottom then your here
Ride Along
Don't talk much but seem really nice and friendly, should talk more though :)
ghetto shoes
When they try to be something their not and if they don't shutup
Really good friend, laugh at my jokes :P, friendly and pretty
Seems like an alright kid
Nice, helpful and friendly
Really nice and helpful, but should talk more
Don't really know her but seems nice
Gimme or some or ill steal it
Umm idk what you're talking about?
New set of clothes and shoes
I like pie
Pie all the way brother
dont really no you
gaybaby? who is this?
No but you would
Me and Haroon
Catie Maree! Your really nice and u laugh at my jokes, but should talk more
if u inbox me on fb and i know you, even a tiny bit ill tell you
Ur like a brother to me, always has my back and is always willing to help even if he doesnt like it :P, but we should hang out more, plus ur funny as
Nice, really funny and helpful, known you for ages but we dont talk so we should
lost a lot of mates.... don't wanna list any
lol i know who this is no joke, ur gonna enjoy whats gonna hapeen when i talk to you :P
seem really nice, always want to help, should talk more
Give it time, and you can't do this alone.
no either u inbox or u dont
inbox and if i know you, even a tiny bit ill tell u
nice and laugh at my jokes
we survive obviously, jeez
nice, in my sports class but dont talk
its not taylor lol, but anyways umm never spoken
Inbox me and I'll tell u if I know u even by a bit
One word? Ok what?
if i find out who this is i will go up tote and facepalm them so hard, that itll go through their head
nice and u laugh at my jokes
are u dead? coz im in heaven and u must be dea to see my house
nice,laugh at my jokes in sport and good at netball
Yep I played for Richmond FC
uhh no coz i kinda gave up
thanks, chuck me an inbox so i can watch you i guess?
lots... nah jks
well do u want to know or not, im not gonna bag u or anything ill just tell u
inbox me and ill tell you
seem nice and funny
inbox and ill tell you
nup but nice try keep guessing :D
main ones were jack and rohan and james
Ummm we have known each other since kinder and we met from playing hide and seek with each other
Lol thanks bro who's this? Lol inbox me mate
Thanks bro and who are you?
Pretty nice and good to have a joke with
I'm already in, I'm the pilot who opened the door, watch my pilot skills. U and NIC say in the party first class room
Inbox and ill tell you
Spamming someone I like
REally nice, fun to have a joke with and pretty