Shaylee Mclobster
What is your biggest success up until now?
Not being dead , I'm that clumsy kid.
What did you get for christmas ?
Tie dye to dye my clothes
You're so hot !
Ahhhh thanks I guess ✌️
I think I like you but I know you are dating someone. Like really like you shaylee
Who would you take a bullet for?
My food duh
Shaylee you're gorgeous ily ❤️
Ilys bae ❤️
Yes even when you wake up I've seen you wake up.
Creepy but ok thanks I guess
Your cute.
Not when I just wake up I'm not
I'll throw you into a patch of veggies with a drunk chicken and watch you tango
Thanks Hudson it shall be fun
What do you do when an elephant comes in your car window
Hmmm Do the chicken dance , it's what you do in any situation
You're the pizza to my plate.
Only if there's no meat
What makes you ***** bae?
Mostly fruit
Freaking c/unt I love you.
I love you to