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shannan rowe


Ask me anything you like anonymously

29 Replies

Thoughts on meeee?! :) x abbiewhelan23

Absolut babe xox

shazza1555 replied 3537 days ago

you talk about your boyfriend too much

what bf? lol

shazza1555 replied 3802 days ago

I reckon u have std

I don't!!

shazza1555 replied 3802 days ago

are you fuc/king serous Shannan? courtneycasey

yes im serious! when was the last time you inboxed me? texted me? hell even spoke to me at school? the last time I spoke to you I asked if you went to a party and you gave me like a sentence so yes I stopped trying im sorry if your angry at me and you hate me but im shutting everyone out don't take it personal!

shazza1555 replied 3828 days ago

why don't you and Courtney talk anymore ??

uhh I actually don't know, she just doesn't talk to me so I don't talk to her..... im just over putting so much effort into trying to have friends when they don't give a **** so I gave up

shazza1555 replied 3828 days ago


I really am ;)

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago

Your a f***** but you have a nice as* so ill forgive you ;)

hahahahaha thanks :)

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago

sit on my face?

uhhh no thankyou

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago

Why if anyone tells you anything you go and tell the whole world ? It's just pathetic ! So no one can trust you and hardly anyone likes you !

I know a lot of things that no one else knows and honestly I couldn't care if people like me or trust me I am who I am.... FU/CK THE HATERS

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago

Ashley's not a slu/t at all. Dong agree with that Shannan. You know damn well.

I never agreed I said I didn't know!!!!!

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago

OMG shaz ur so hot I just wish I was you

hahaha aww thanks <3

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago

Hows ur boyfie jono

not my bf ;)

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago

Couldn't trust you as far as I could throw you !!

i probably couldn't trust you either

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago

Why are you such a back stabbing bi.tch ? Honestly grow up ?

isn't everyone one? who cares clearly you need to grow up and face me not hide behind a computer!!!

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago

ur so pretty

you are!!!

shazza1555 replied 3836 days ago