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Ask away! :)

122 Replies

What do you like about the person you dating?

I'm not dating anyone.

sheridan.haskell replied 3558 days ago

Who do you miss now? (family)

Yes though's that have passed and though's i don't see as much xx

sheridan.haskell replied 3560 days ago

Who do you miss now? (Friends)

Yep :(

sheridan.haskell replied 3560 days ago

Don't listen to the haters, because a lot of other people like/love you. the people that like you are friends the people who love you are family!❤️ I love you Sheridan xx I always will, I look up to you :)

Thankyou so much darling! Means allot

sheridan.haskell replied 3560 days ago

Stop being so gorgeous! xx

Seriously who is this? Please inbox me xx

sheridan.haskell replied 3560 days ago

Beautiful girl, I see! ❤️


sheridan.haskell replied 3560 days ago

Single taken? ❤️


sheridan.haskell replied 3560 days ago

Love you❤️❤️❤️

Love you to

sheridan.haskell replied 3560 days ago

Perfect girl! ❤️

Awh thankyou so much!

sheridan.haskell replied 3560 days ago

What’s a common misconception people have about you?

Well according to allot of people, I apparently do drugs and "the biggest ****" For starters i have asthma so no way in hell would i want to put myself in discomfort for the rest of my life just to feel good for a few minutes. And i don't see how Im a ****, I hardly talk to anyone.

sheridan.haskell replied 3573 days ago

Thoughts on Bianca Cavanagh xx

Omg i love her so much, She is such a nice girl. I have had the best times with her! I think iv'e met her twice! She is so pretty, Has such a kind heart and she is so loyal. I can trust that ***** so much. Arrh i love her xx

sheridan.haskell replied 3576 days ago

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

Why was i born?

sheridan.haskell replied 3579 days ago 1

Thoughts :) Brock.draper

Arrhh! Read the other one it hasn't changed at all.

sheridan.haskell replied 3585 days ago

Thoughts on jamie ferrero?

Jayme* Get it right. Well she's my beautiful girl i love her so much, She's perfect in every way! I miss her so much. Iv'e had the best times with her. She's basically my best-friend. But yeah she know's what my thoughts are on her. x

sheridan.haskell replied 3585 days ago

Thoughts xxx RhiannonD

**** i love you so much you mean allot to me, I have had the best times with you! I miss you so much we really need to catch up. You are so beautiful such a nice girl, Easy to get along with, Can trust you with anything! Really need to become more close girl. I remember the time with Rebecca and the cops! Hahaha that was a funny day, Or and the night before that was fun as well haha ily xo

sheridan.haskell replied 3586 days ago 1