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67 Replies

What causes you to stay up late?

not being able to sleep lmao

sheridan.kerr3 replied 2951 days ago

Thoughts...? xotisha

Gorgeous. Such a nice person although we've had our ups and downs; mostly downs.. But i'm glad we're ok now :) xo

sheridan.kerr3 replied 2951 days ago

At what point did you realise you are attractive?


sheridan.kerr3 replied 2966 days ago

What's a lesson you learned the hard way?

he's a fck boy.

sheridan.kerr3 replied 2971 days ago 1

What do you silently judge people for?

a lot of things but always silently :')

sheridan.kerr3 replied 2979 days ago 3

What will you be doing in next hour ?

walking to school lmao

sheridan.kerr3 replied 2990 days ago

What is something that people might not like about you?

too many things lmao

sheridan.kerr3 replied 3001 days ago

do you still have facebook?


sheridan.kerr3 replied 3007 days ago

I need some help Stephi_phillips

are you okay?

sheridan.kerr3 replied 3007 days ago

Something bad has happened Stephi_phillips

What's going on gorgeous? xx

sheridan.kerr3 replied 3007 days ago

Why call people s l u t s behind Annon? That's very immature x

I don't? Who got called a ****?

sheridan.kerr3 replied 3008 days ago

How do you feel about Cody and Taylah??

couldn't give two shts honestly :)

sheridan.kerr3 replied 3011 days ago

Is Darcy gay?? I am fine with it if he is, gay's should be allowed to be married, they are lovely people, what do you think?

No, Darcy is not gay.

Yes, i agree, equal marriage should be legal
It is a basic human right to marry and have a family. Although, they aren't allowed that, Everyone has the right to marry but they can't marry the same gender is Australia, honestly this is crap, if two people are happy with each other, let them marry.
Sure, religiously you might not like it but it's not to do with you, if you don't want gay marriage legalised then okay, that's okay but you shouldn't destroy other people's happiness because you dont agree with it. If you don't like it you can easily avoid it, the world will be a better place with marriage is equal

sheridan.kerr3 replied 3012 days ago 1

harro beautiful x Stephi_phillips

oh gorgeous, it sure had been a while aye xx

sheridan.kerr3 replied 3012 days ago

why did you smoke?

none of your business xx

sheridan.kerr3 replied 3012 days ago