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i really don't care, who ever it was.
i got that message about 2 hours after i gave my qoohme to jiame cause she was Bit**ing to me about someone saying shi* to her.
and no ones knows i have qoohme, i got it last year and never when on it, i got told to go in it the other day and i read a message from "anonymous" and said 'you're a slu*', so that makes me feel so much better doesn't it.
i don't care cause it was sent the same day ruffle 2 hours after i told jaime, so unless someone just majecly found out i had it! it must of been. not saying it was thats just what i thought and think!
hi either jaime or allex, well
1- thats a load of bull shi*
2- she always walked past me and never once tried to talk to me
3- i always tried to say something to her but all she did was go behind my back and say shi* about me
4- im not hard on her, i forgave her for everything that has happened, even with the shi* with layne, i don't care
5- i only hate one person right now cause she's the one that has coursed all this bullshi* between jaime and I and have tried to make us fight, I've never liked her and i never will from all this shi* she has started
6- why hide behind anonymous? if you think I'm being hard or anything on jaime just say t to my face or inbox me or some shi* cause hiding behind a fu*king anonymous is pathetic and so are you!
7- get over yourself cause i haven't done jackshi* to jaime, I'm not the one going around saying shi* and i have told jaime and everyone else that too but no one seems to understand that i would never do that to her cause as much as we fight, have arguments and shi* she will always be my bestfriend no matter what, as much as were Bit**es to each other we do work it out
8- no one can ever replace jaime i love her too bits, but as long a she believes other people over me and thinks I'm saying shi* to people, or writing on her qoohme i can't i really just can't do it, cause every time i try and fu*king try i always get pushed alway cause she believes others over me, cracked at me and believes others! cause shinea does everything wrong, I'm always the bad person, i can't do anything right! yeah well get fu*ked!
9- i don't care if you're reading this thinking what ever you want cause i don't care! cause i know what jaime says about me, how she misses me and whats to fix it, well why doesn't she just try and not just go telling people that? i would fix it if i only knew she will never believe that one person over me again, but its up to her cause i think I've said enough now..
but thats my opinion so i hope you had fun reading this!!
ahahaha thanks! don't know how i am a slu* when I've never had se* or anything, so if you want to hide behind anonymous and say that than go ahead!
awsome babe but i don't hav an apple
nah it wasn't zellie1
i can do what i won't !
heey <3