Have you ever been in a situation where you took a long bus ride to a field trip, only to arrive and find the place you were at didn't have bathrooms?
No ?? not that I know of
In your last 3 pics it doesnt look like ur wearing a bra. Are u? Your boo*s are amazing!
Thanks ❤
Are you still best friends with erin?
Yes ???
What does the R on your finger in your latest photo stand for??
Ryan xx
Jou kak (slet) naam laat Erin kak lyk
Kyk wie praat jy is die slet hierso ? jy kan nie vigs twee keer kry nie jou teef
Do you have a boyfriend?
Have you had $ex with Erin
No ????
Are you lesbian? Or bi$exual?
If you went to rehab why do you have a cigarette in your latest post?
You don't go to rehab for smoking cigarettes ? your brain is cooked
Why were you in rehab?
Why weren't you
Are you still in school?
Did you drop out of school?
Dude why do you carry on dying your hair when it is so seriously damaged? Not in a rude way buy you hardly have any hair left to dye any more yet you still carry on? You not going yo have anymore hair left soon ?
Your the only person that has something bad to say about my hair ? jealous af
why did u and your bf brake up?
Cause he is actually gay ? he gets fcked by this old guy for money and I never knew it
Were you exspelled from the hostal at drostdy or did you just leave?
I left
Simone jy is n inspirasie ek is so lief vir jou en mis jou so baie! Dankie vir al die kh aande wat jy by my was en dankie vir alles dankie dat ek altyd op jou knoppie kan druk eks baie lief vir jou! Bly awesome en ontdou so kalm soos n dagga walm ❤ Megan x
Jys die rede dat ek weer glo in liefde
Asb dm my ? hierdie beteken baie
Jy is goals . Enige ou se droom . Elke ou se weakness. Enige meisie se jaloersheid. En jou body is beter as n engel sin
?????? baie dankie
She is very pretty x
Are you really pregnant?
No im not pregnant
Are you dating a 35 year old pervert? It's abit creepy, because you look about 13??
First of all ? stop being dyslexic for a second and come back to reality ?? he is 20 years old xx and im probably much older than you ? he is my bf so stop your jealousy ????????????? that is why you so nasty ???
Pretty sad that you are so obsessed with chad, your guys dated like 3 years ago he's moved? stop ruining every relationship he gets into?
My dude , i have moved on , i dont give two fcks about him anymore and maybe he should stop going for my bestfriends ?? because hes never gonna get me back ???????
There are a lot of rumors that u pregnant, is it true?
No its not true ??
What do you wish had never happened to you?
My ex ?
How big is his dck?
Much bigger than my ex ?
Why are you dating a 20 year old
Age is just a number , and im 17 so its not that hectic , we love each other and its the only thing that matter ?
How old is your boyfriend ?
20 years old x
jy is rerig sht an ??
Dankie xxx
Why not post pictures of you in your bikinis
Because I'm redoing my feed, and it's not summer yet ?
Why don't you post pictures like your friend Sydney
Because I'm not her ??????
Wens jy kon nog hier wees , alles is verkeerd sonder jou . Jy word gemis
Ek is soo sad om skool te gaan sonder jou . Ek mis daai blonde met n A$$ to die for . N smile wat mense myle ver kan sien . Die energie en liefde wat jy gestraal het as jy pom pom dansies doen. N regte legend was jy in hierdie skool.
Ek mis julle almal net so baie , en dankie dat ek myself kon gewees het voor julle almal x love you all ?
❤️ simoné , jy is een van die sterkste mense wie ek ken . al daai rumours oor jou - glo ek soos in glad nie ??
jy is rerig die mooiste mens ooit ? daarvan is ek verseker x ignore die haters liefde ?
bly net soos jy is ? zoey.x
Eerste van alles wil ek net baie dankie sê dat jy raak sien wat ander mense nie raak sien nie, mens kan sien dat jy n ware vriendin is en jy het n pragtige hart. Hierdie beteken baie vir my ?? jy is een uit n miljoen xx ?
Love youu! Jys amazing ontdou dit!❤ Megxnroux
Love you too xx ?
Jys iemand amazing , jy is stunning en beeldskoon.
Tog is jy n raaisel wat min mense kan ontleed.
Liefdevol is jy , maar tog bly jy n geheim
Hierdie het sopas my dag gemaak,, nu sien ek uintlik dat daar nie net ongeskukte mense in hierdie wereld is nie, maar mense wat nog omgee ? dm my asb
What do you think of Chad. Because I know him and where he came from and he's honestly such a nice person.
It doesn't matter anymore what I think of him , a very hard-working person ?
why do you always try posting pictures of how you use to look because? do yoy think if you do that you will get Chad back??
No , I post that pictures, because I miss the old me..
Dis nou net Anika wat oor bly , as sy ook moes gaan dan sou skool nie meer die moeite werd gewees het nie
Drostdy is nie meer so mooi nadat jy weg is nie, n mens mis jou smile baie
Mis dit om n donkie te wees ? dra asb my naam oor x
Simone you are very pretty. Just thought you should know.
I really appreciate this, dm me please ❤
What school you in now?
Dynamic academy
Thoughts on Josh Julies?
An awesome person ⚘
Why u out of drostdy?
Because that was not my happy place x
How does someone impress someone like you ??
Why would I tell you that ?
I miss you simone and i feel like we lost a entire friendship over something so stupid, you were litrally like my sister and I loved you so much ???
I think i know who this is
Toe jy jou hare gekleur het, het jy na 'n ander persoon verander en jy was nie die persoon waaraan ek verlief geraak het nie?
Dm my ??
When I look at old pictures of you i,,, and then when i see you in person ,,,you look like 2 different people way happened????
Thats me " just another lost soul "
Jy praat so baie van hulle daddies en watookal lyk my jy het daddy issues en jy en jou pa naai seker . jk hy julle verlaat toe jy gebore was poes
Bra wie is jy ?? jy het my dag gemaak met jou fcked up joke
Why you so sad lately girl ? Like something happend and your dad and so on ? Sorry don't really know you that well but was just wondering x
Dm me x
What would you do if you had no fear ?
Tell everyone what I actually think about them
You and Chad?
????? dm me
Is j nogsteeds vriende met chanè ?
Ya x
Love haar ⚘ my groot sus x
What are you bad at ?
Loving someone
Love you so much babes??❤ from your twin??xx
My baby ?⚘
Defnetief die mooiste..... ??
Who is your best friend now??
Sydney kohn ?
Feelings towards,, sidney kohn.????
*Sydney ☝ and I love her x
Do you find caylinn molylneux pretty... ?? dik ugly in my opinion bru?? at least chad went for a similar kinda look with you and syd but why her??
Why you asking me dude
Wtf, you and sydney look so alike????
I know she's my sister ?
How you liking your new school?..??
Alot x
When do you know you're in love?
When I wake up in the mornings and feel happy x
jhy sê jyh wil oorbegin maar jyh post sletterige fotos?
Dankie vir die follow dan liefie x
Jy gee Drosdty n slegte naam meisie x
Ag ek is so jammer , jy is jaloers en weet nie wag om te doen met jou lewe nie . So gaan stalk iemand anders x tief
jyy soo mooi ?? kom terug melkbosstrand toe asbb ❤❤❤
Nooit nie x
wat het tussen jou en chane gebeur?
Donno x
Why did you post a picture with Sydneys boyfriend and make the caption that, isn't it a bit rude considering she's your friend ?
My caption wasn't meant for him x
Sydney and chad?
I love them both ?
Why do you look like you got hit by a train
Probably because you need glasses
What's going on with your hair??
DM me then I'll tell you
Sydney kohn?
Don't know her
Still feel something for Chad ?
nooit rrg v jou gehou nie, mense het altyd k*k v jou geprt,maar toe besef ek jys eintlik bja nice.jy van nie k*k v mense nie en jy praat net die waarheid, iets wat bja mense te bang is om te doen.ekt bja respek vir jou girl, bly so sterk en pragtig ?
Dm my ❤
What's pissing you off right now ?
Josh Myburgh ?☝
sydney and chad?
They are just fcking each others brains out ?
Would you ever go skinny dipping?
Yes , but with my boyfriend x
Do you perhaps not learn out of your mistakes?
Yes I do x but love isn't a mistake
Your starting to look more like Chane?kinda creepy how much you two look alike?
Don't worry I'm going blonde again x
jys RERIG baie mooi!!
Baie dankie x DM my x
Whats going on between you and chad?
We are just friends x
You and Chad?
We are just friends x
Would you ever break a guys virginity? Lol
Well I broke your dads virginity ?
Why did you dye your hair brown ?
Because I wanted a new beginning x
Why are you and skye friends ?
We are not friends we are sisters ☝
What do you think of Simone Harvey ?
She's cute x
Who is your older role model ?
My brother xx
I will fck you
First ask my daddy ??
Would you ever go skinny dipping?
Oh yeah ?
Are you going to go blonde again??
Yes x
Oh ek sal tog maar love ok jou te spyker??
Lyk ek vir ju soos gereedskap ??
Why post such a revealing photo of you in the bath on instagram???
To impress your dad