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I'm probably bored so ask me something :-)

1.2k Replies

Did you tell your friends face to face about your cancer or over the phone?

I posted in our group over Facebook- I never had the chance to tell them face to face I found out in the emergency room and started treatment immediately

skye.mazalin replied 3201 days ago

Would you say that you've learnt a lot of things about medicine/ healthcare etc over the time you've spent in hospital?

You have no idea I am the health nazi now

skye.mazalin replied 3204 days ago

You literally look amazing and short hair suits you so much!! You have the best smile and eyes and I'm jealous of your dimples hehe

This is so sweet Thankyou so much

skye.mazalin replied 3204 days ago

What are you studying at uni?? When i'm at uni I'd really like to do medicine to become a paediatric oncologist :)

Oh yay that's so good!! I'm not at uni yet because I didn't get an atar last year but I'm also considering studying the health field! Thinking of starting off with nursing at ACU :)

skye.mazalin replied 3205 days ago

You don't have to answer if you don't want, seeing as could be a sensitive question but before you were diagnosed did you ever think of a possibility of cancer or was it completely off your mind?

I knew there was something very wrong I could feel it but I didn't think it would be anything that extreme !

skye.mazalin replied 3205 days ago

Your just cute tell me what's been going on x

Inbox me !! I'm so bored I could use a chat

skye.mazalin replied 3224 days ago

my friend was recently diagnosed with cancer and I want to get her a little something but I'm not sure exactly what? I was wondering what sort of things you liked to receive as gifts? I was kind of thinking getting her something to keep her entertained.

I'm so sorry to hear this I hope she's feeling ok and has an amazing recovery! I would get her something that she could put in her room to make it feel more home like! print out lots of photos with you guys together so she can hang them up. My room was covered with photos of friends! Maybe a colouring book it or tv series she can watch when she's bored. Also no flowers- your not allowed flowers on an oncology ward x

skye.mazalin replied 3249 days ago

Beautiful girl

How lovely xx

skye.mazalin replied 3377 days ago

What are your plans for the summer

Travel & spend some well deserved time with friends and family

skye.mazalin replied 3404 days ago

How you feeling ?

I'm feeling well :)

skye.mazalin replied 3404 days ago

holly loves u

Skye loves holly

skye.mazalin replied 3417 days ago

When you first found out about your cancer did you have to go straight into hospital or wait a while?

I found out in the emergency room

skye.mazalin replied 3417 days ago

What would be some advice that you would give others who are experiencing the same thing as you or know someone who is?

Never give up. Fight through every single minute, even when you feel like you can't anymore, when you think it's too much- just keep going. Be as positive as you can, there are people who will be there for you so always try to be positive and take everyday as it comes. If you receive bad news, take it in but don't let it get you down. With saying that, if things get overwhelming and you need to cry, don't hold back just let it out and cry. The most important advice I would give is that it's ok to have days where you're not ok, even if that's most days. The important thing is that you get through it. I promise if you push through it with a positive mind set, you will get through it.

skye.mazalin replied 3417 days ago

What are you hoping to do next year? You looked absolutely gorgeous at val btw xx

Travel and finish year 12! Thankyou so much xx

skye.mazalin replied 3420 days ago

how much longer will you be in hospital for? You looked gorgeous at val last night! ♡

About a month! Thankyou x

skye.mazalin replied 3422 days ago