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1.4k Replies

Did you leave Parklands

No my sister did :)

skyerainn replied 1670 days ago

All the idiots that are horrible to you because you vegan really need to get a life You are a beautiful kind person and they seriously have hate issues

Aww thank you so much! ❤️ I know trust me but I’m used to it hehe

skyerainn replied 1671 days ago

Just wanna say you’re beyond gorgeous!

You are so sweet thank you ❤️

skyerainn replied 1671 days ago

also, cocoa powder would release about 30kg of co2 per kg of powder. Oh, did i forget nuts? For every kg of nuts you purchase, it consumes around 4 tons of water daily. Also, almonds release around 26kg of co2 per 1kg bag

Continuing from your last one
Just quoting this one cause typing is a luss.

But the study doesn’t suggest that vegetarianism is bad, or state that lettuce is “worse for the environment” than bacon.
— Modern Farmer's Dan Nosowitz

That the press release wildly leapt to conclusions that the data couldn’t support;
that the data itself does not account for several variables that may skew the results; and
that it is basically silly in every way to try to compare bacon to lettuce in nutrition or greenhouse gas emissions or anything else.

Not even gonna read this one properly cause tour last qooh was uneducated so I expect nothing less from this one.

skyerainn replied 1671 days ago

Seeing all these uneducated people comment rude things, just wanna say I truly admire and respect you for being vegan. Keep being you ! Keep posting, it’s what you believe in. ❤️❤️ I look up to you

Thank you so much! ❤️

skyerainn replied 1671 days ago

You talk about methane etc. but do you realise that lettuce is around 3x worse in carbon emissions, avacados also cause a water shortages as they require a high demand of water + 2kg of co2 per kg of avo. .

It is proven that meat has a higher “water footprint” than vegetables or other plant based foods. You realize when you farm fruits and veggies ect you only need water to water them. Whereas for meat you need water for the food they consume and for them to drink. A single pound of beef uses nearly 7000 liter of water to produce. I will have you know though that despite the fact that you sound “clever” the article you are referring to was based off of a misleading press release and thereafter the authors issued an official response addressing the media confusion saying you cannot compare lettuce and bacon. I quote “Obviously no one eats lettuce for calories. This would be like saying soda is better for the environment than water, on a caloric basis. Per Modern Farmer, "You’d have to assume that any human would replace a protein source with a mostly water-filled leafy vegetable, which not even the USDA is recommending." Check your resources please and their accuracy.

skyerainn replied 1671 days ago

Does your boyfriend know how beautiful you are

Thank you that’s sweet

skyerainn replied 1686 days ago

Vegan= dumb

Also you're entitled as fck and think you can tell people what to do

Imagine being so fcking judgmental towards someone who is just trying to a little good for the environment and doesn’t want animals killed?? You look fcking stupid.

skyerainn replied 1689 days ago

Ignoring my qooh cuz you know youre wrong

Nah it’s probably cause I don’t wanna give your stupidity any attention or time. What did you say again wouldn’t know who’s you cause your names hidden 😴

skyerainn replied 1691 days ago

Being vegan does fackall to the environment. Covid deaths have done more for it than entitled vegans ever will

Ahahaha this is hysterical. Little lesson for you: cows produce methane in large amounts which is a greenhouse gas and one of the two major gases that contribute to global warming. Because we breed livestock on such a large scale mass amounts of methane are released everyday. Therefor you stop eating, they stop breeding and less methane. Magic. Get off here and get onto some research pages

skyerainn replied 1699 days ago

stop trying to convince people about ur vegan sht - it’s ur opinion

You have an opinion on whether you want to go vegan or not but unfortunately for you the benefits for the environment by going vegan Is not an opinion it’s a fact ;)

skyerainn replied 1700 days ago

Are you aggressive?

Uh no I’m not an aggressive person I wouldn’t just attack someone 🤣 but I do have a small temper and get annoyed easily

skyerainn replied 1741 days ago

did you lose weight in the first few months of going vegan?

personally no but that’s because I was still figuring out a diet, eating too many carbs but now I understand my diet and eat healthy foods most of the time.

skyerainn replied 1741 days ago

Favorite person?

I have more then one favorite person - my best friends, my boyfriend and my family

skyerainn replied 1742 days ago

Who are you friends with from Parklands?

I go to parklands so a few people there :) My girls destiny, Tayla, Cassidy, Gameeda, Lele, Abbi, Micaella, Ece and Kirsten. Of course can’t forget the boys Todd, clouds, Mathew and Cameron 😂🥰

skyerainn replied 1742 days ago